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More than 50 million American adults suffer from some kind of joint pain problem. It is also estimated that the number will increase to 67 million within the next 15 years.

The Arthritis Foundation also reports that Arthritis is the number one cause of disability within the United States. Research has also shown that 47% of adults in America with diagnosed Arthritis also suffers from one or more additional disease, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

It is also reported that 33% of adults aged 45 and above who have been diagnosed with Arthritis also suffers from depression or anxiety. The discomfort and pain that this condition, as well as several other joint-related conditions causes have had a significant impact on the physical activity level of diagnosed patients.

Joint Pain Relief

The most common condition that is associated with joint pain is Arthritis. This condition also appears in several different forms, with Osteoarthritis being the most common form. Health Line reports that the condition gets worse as an individual age. While painkillers and anti-inflammatory treatments are available at pharmacies and through a prescription, some cases of joint pain require a more powerful solution in order to fight the problem causing the pain.

There are, however, several simple strategies that can assist with the relief of joint pain. While many people consider medication and prescribed drugs to be the best solution, they fail to realize the effects that these medications could have on them. There are quite a few lifestyle adjustments that can be implemented in order to enjoy a more natural relief of joint pain, while also decreasing the effect of damaged joints caused by aging. Health Line provides a vast variety of tips that can be considered in order to relief joint pain and assist with several joint-related problems, diseases and conditions. These tips and lifestyle changes include:

  • Losing weight in order to reduce the amount of stress weight puts on an individual’s joints. This tip is focused towards people with extra weight they can shed.
  • Low impact exercises are recommended to enable an improvement in joint flexibility without adding additional stress and damaging joints further.
  • A long, warm and relaxing bath can help ease stiffness in joints. Using a heat pad at night can also help keep joint pain under control.
  • Cold treatments such as ice packs are also recommended for fast and effective joint pain relief.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrient-rich fatty acids can aid in reducing joint stiffness and relieve pain.
  • Visit a massage therapist regularly or get some advice from a trained physical therapist in order to learn how to massage your joints yourself. The Arthritis Foundation found that regular massaging can assist with easing some of the pain, as well as reduce some of the swelling and inflammation.

Flexoplex For Long Lasting Benefits

While most medication that specializes in the treatment of joint pain and joint-related diseases provide a way to control the pain and swelling that comes with the condition, Flexoplex goes beyond simply providing an immediate effect by aiding in the repair of damaged joints. The product contains proven ingredients that provide both short and long term benefits for individuals suffering from joint pain, whether the pain is related to a disease or not. The following components are included in order to provide a potent formula:

  • Glucosamine sulfate provides several benefits for individuals experiencing joint-related issues. The supplement gets to work by repairing tissue that has been damaged due to injury or a joint-related disease. Apart from the long term benefits, Glucosamine sulfate also assists with reducing inflammation, as well as provide an adequate amount of lubrication for the entire body’s joints.
  • Chondroitin sulfate assists with tissue rebuilding, as well as prevent further tissue damage. The ingredient also provides a reduction in inflammation and assists with joint discomfort.
  • Methylsulfonylmethane, in combination with the prior two ingredients, provides effective relieve for muscle aches and joint discomfort. The ingredient can also assist with the effects of osteoarthritis.
  • Rutin provides an effective anti-inflammatory solution throughout the entire body.
  • Cat’s claw bark powder is added to the formula to relieve pain associated with various types of arthritis.
  • Boswellia serrata provides a solution that assists with joint discomfort by reducing swelling around effected areas. This ingredient is also known to provide pain relief.
  • Hyaluronic acid aids in improving joint movement and flexibility, while also assisting with the shock absorption rate of joints through the patient’s body.
  • Bromelain has been added to the formula due to its anti-inflammatory benefits. This ingredient assists by reducing joint discomfort and enhancing joint functionality.
  • Trypsin is added in order to work together with the other ingredients in the formula. This ingredient, when combined with these other components, provide an effective solution to reduce stiffness and pain in joints.


Diseases associated with joint pain can interfere with an individual’s lifestyle. Injuries to joints can also cause inflammation and discomfort. Taking a natural supplement such as Flexoplex instead of turning towards medicated drugs that can include side effects are becoming more popular. This is mostly due to the longer term benefits these natural alternatives provide over the prescription medication. Patient’s should always consider all their options and compare them to the severity of their condition in order to decide which treatment option would best suit their specific condition.

Author Bio: Annie Lizstan works as a health and beauty consultant for online websites and an independent researcher by profession. She completed her studies from the University of Arizona (Tucson) and lives in Wasilla, Alaska. She always like to explore her ideas about health, fitness and  beauty . In her recent period ,she got an opportunity to explore Glozine lifestyle news . She has experience researching as a passion as well as profession. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.