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If you’re asking yourself “how to make my girlfriend want me more” then you may be experiencing some jealousy. Maybe she’s acting like she’s “not that into you” and you are getting worried that your relationship is heading down the wrong path.

Don’t despair.

Even though you may be feeling confused, desperate and fear that she may break up with you, there are things you can do TODAY to make her ache for you.

You may think you know what she wants, but women are not easy creatures to figure out. The rules of attraction for them are very different than what attracts men.

You can eliminate the competition by becoming an irresistible boyfriend!

Tip #1: Get Back in Shape

No matter what anyone says, it’s hard to be physically attracted to someone who does not take care of themselves. Yes she loves you for the person you are. Blah, blah, blah. But is she physically attracted to you anymore? Start working out and eat a good diet. If you don’t want to do it for your health, do it for your sex life.

Tip #2: Stop Hounding Her

This is simple. Most girls don’t like a guy who is over-eager. Like a puppy dog begging for a bone. Girls want someone to make them feel special, but not someone who calls or texts 24/7.

They don’t like to be told that you “love them” on the first date. This behavior is more like a stalker than a boyfriend.

The truth is, if your girlfriend thinks you have no other prospects, that’s simply not attractive. That’s not a license to go out and try to make her jealous. What this means is that she needs to understand that you’re not so desperate to have a girlfriend that you’ll take anyone. You have to learn how to attract high quality girls and keep their attention.

This is an important point. Your girlfriend must perceive you as her equal or a bit out of her league.

Tip #3: Have Self Confidence

This is probably the most important tip. If you want to know how to make your girlfriend want you more you need to have self-confidence. This is not the same as arrogance. Think of the average looking guy who walks into the room and every eye turns towards him. Why? Is it his looks? No it’s his confidence. He walks into the room like he owns it and makes others take notice.

If you’re not there yet, walk the walk until you are. It takes practice just like anything else. There are strategies that can help you increase your self-confidence without becoming arrogant.

Tip #4: Be a Date-Able Guy

When you first started dating did you take the time to dress well and use manners? Since you started feeling more comfortable around her, have you begun to belch, fart, eat without a shirt on, etc? Yeah, that may be you…but it’s not always someone a girl wants to take out of the house. In short, act like a gentleman even when your inner caveman is screaming to get out.

Tip #5: Learn the Art of Pleasuring Women

If you want to be desirable, you have to learn how to pleasure a woman. Do you know how to give her pleasure or do you just think you know? The difference is huge. Women are not wired like men and guess what? There are detailed books that will teach you everything you need to know to pleasure a woman.

Isn’t it about time you went from bumbling around in the backseat to smoking up the bed sheets?

If you truly want to know “how to make my girlfriend want me more”, now is the time to take action! Not after she’s already drifted away or broken up with you!

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