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The rarity of the pink diamond surpasses all other diamonds. As a result, there’s less supply and more demand. In the process of acquiring one, you may get scammed or deceived if you aren’t careful. You need to be on high alert when it comes to purchasing these diamonds. Here are top essential safety tips you must consider when buying these rare colored diamonds

1. Beware of shady websites or jewel stores

The internet is a blessing in disguise. Before you entrust your hard-earned cash to any site, you need to ensure they are legit. Know who’s behind the website. Look for authorities vouches that can back up a particular diamond selling website.

The website ought to have an authentic payment mode that’s trusted worldwide. One form of payment system is PayPal.

You must conduct thorough research on the website. Google about it, ask allies and relatives. Don’t forget to go through the testimonials. If possible, you can contact a person who has traded with the site and inquire further about their experience. Always trust your gut concerning a website before you regret it later.s

2. Be aware of Inhouse grading

It means no classification. Never purchase pink diamonds that lack a gemological certificate. You must insist on this, even if it takes months to get it. Avoid falling prey to inhouse grading as you may get a fake piece of diamond.

You need to know that GIA is the only grading authority. You must verify its authenticity. As an astute buyer, you need to wary of those who forge inhouse GIA certificates. You need to look at the GIA website’s check tool. You can quickly fill in the number of the license and go through the details.

Another point that you ought to know is that be aware of sellers who will produce a certificate for another pink diamond. You can check the minute specs in the document and compare them to the actual diamond.

3.  Be on the lookout for a color enhanced pink diamond

Obtaining a pink diamond is quite rare; thus, you should not jump to the first piece you see. It’s to help you avoid getting a treated diamond piece over the natural deal. Don’t forget to ask for the grading certificate as well as checking the authenticity of the store.

4. The illusion of color and clarity

When it comes to purchasing these expensive diamond pieces, you need to find a way to save cash. Always check on guides to buying diamonds as well as online reviews on diamond investments. Continuously assess and appraise the value of the diamond before purchasing it. There is a various shade of pink diamond that you can select. Always go for an illuminating piece and one that you will fall in love with each time. Always pick a bit with fewer imperfections as they have the highest clarity.


By following the above safety tips, you are sure with buying legit pink diamonds. Going for these highly sought-after diamond pieces means that you ought to be vigilant. Being keen will aid you in getting the most genuine and highly valued diamond piece.

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