INSCMagazine: Get Social!

When it comes to our health, there’s no such thing as a quick fix, and even though the market is overflowing with products and diets promising an easy solution to our problems, most of them won’t work. Even if they do work, it usually doesn’t take too long until a person gets back on their track and starts doing the very same things that caused them to develop certain health problems.

Being healthy and feeling your best is a matter of making healthy choices on a daily basis. In fact, it is these day-to-day decisions that add up and that can ultimately make the difference between a lifetime of dealing with disabling conditions and remaining vital and active even in your golden years. And it all begins with you jumpstarting that positive, healthy change in your life.

Set a clear goal

Whether you aspire to get your eating habits in order, ditch a bad habit, lose some weight, or simply feel more relaxed and in tune with your body, it’s important to determine the goal you’re striving for. Without a clear goal, it’s easy to get lost or quit altogether. On the other hand, when you have a clear vision for your life and where you want to be and you can easily see yourself reaching that goal, you feel more motivated, and therefore, are more likely to succeed in your plans. That being said, make sure that your goals are realistic, attainable, and that make you feel excited.

Focus on one change at a time

Sometimes, there will be more than one goal you’ll want to achieve. Although being ambitious is great, it’s important not to overwhelm yourself with goals as this will make it all the more tempting for you to quit after a short while. Rather, you want to focus on making one change at a time, whether it’s following a healthy diet, quitting smoking, or getting in shape. If you practice it hard enough, it’ll turn into a habit, which will then make it easier for you to adopt the next healthy habit on your checklist.

Determine your long-term health goal

For some, this can mean running a 5K, climbing a mountain, or lowering their cholesterol or BMI and staying vital and active regardless of the number of candles on their birthday cake. For others, this will mean preserving their senses, particularly their vision which tends to change with age. Fortunately, undergoing treatments for vision problems can be an effective way for improving eyesight, and according to experts for laser eye surgery in NYC, these quick corrective vision procedures involve very minimal post-op recovery. Regardless of what your long-term health goal is, you want to identify it and then take action to get closer to that goal. This will help you maintain your motivation so you can keep your eye on the prize.

Identify and eliminate potential obstacles

The most important thing about making a healthy change is making the process doable. There will be temptations and you will probably feel like quitting at some point, and this is why you want to make things easier for yourself and make it harder to give up. This can be done by identifying potential obstacles and then eliminating them. No time to hit the gym and exercise? Get up earlier or fit it in your lunch break. No healthy snacks when hunger strikes? Put them on your grocery list or try meal-prepping. Too many distractions while meditating? Do it early in the morning while everyone’s asleep or focus on your breathing and senses to restore calm and inner peace – wherever and whenever.

Reward yourself for a job well done

No matter how small a step may seem, if it’s a step in the right direction, it’s a reason for celebration. Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for maintaining motivation, so celebrate your wins! Haven’t smoked for a month? Treat yourself to something nice with all that money you’ve saved by quitting. Went to the gym regularly and got closer to your fitness goals? Reward yourself with nice workout gear! Finally dropped those extra pounds? Go on a wellness getaway with a friend or take an exciting road trip with your significant other. There are so many ways to reward yourself for a job well done, so be creative and incentivize yourself – you deserve it!

Wrapping up

We all want to live a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle. The thing is, making a healthy change in our lives and succeeding at it takes time, effort, and dedication. If you manage to create a detailed plan you can stick to, you will no doubt meet your health goals and bring so much more happiness and positivity into your life.

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