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We all find ourselves a bit uneasy after a summer break trying to gather our thoughts and focus on studying. Not to mention the upcoming anxiety if this is your first year at college with tons of unknown troubles and worries. For this reason, we have prepared a list of 5 things you should definitely do to get ready for the new semester and avoid unwanted future stress. Check them out!

  1. Get Familiar with Your Schedule

Professors often provide students with their syllabi beforehand, so feel free to read them thoroughly and get to know your deadlines and exam dates. Still, do not let the overload of tasks and assignments place a burden on you. Getting familiar with what is ahead is not to overthink and get anxious, but on the contrary to lessen the stress with careful planning.

  1. Manage Your Stress in Advance

Being under stress is inevitable, but you can control the level of it. Here are three things you may do to avoid being under pressure:

● Planning

Planning and managing your time is the key to stress-free studying. Set yourself goals and keep track of them. Do not forget to prioritize your tasks and always divide big assignments into small steps that do not make your head blow up.

● Learning to say ‘No’

It comes to priorities again. If you know that you have a rigid deadline, you need to learn how to say ‘no’ to the upcoming party at your friend’s, or a movie night just before the exam. We do not mean you need to dedicate all your time to сramming, but to avoid burning the midnight oil you should manage your time smart.

● Taking care of yourself

It is highly important to take care of three things: eat good food, sleep well and exercise. These three components will give you energy to overcome any stress you may face.

  1. Get in Touch with Your Fellow Students

There is no better motivation to dive into studying than getting in touch with your fellow students. Contact your classmates and ask them how they are preparing for the new semester. You can share your worries and expectations, discuss the new subjects and textbooks you will need. As the saying goes, two heads are better than one.

  1. Create the Perfect Study Environment

Another thing that will be of real help is setting study atmosphere. In other words, clear up your desk, go through last semester materials and get rid of things you do not need. Buy school supplies if you are into such things. Planners will help you manage your studies and a neat desk will make it easier to focus.

  1. Learn about Time Management

In order not to feel overwhelmed during the semester, learn about how to manage your time smart. Find out about different techniques on planning and organizing studying. For instance, ‘pomodoro technique’ involves breaking the studying process into small chunks of 25-30 minutes and then having a break. Also, get familiar with various mobile apps with planners to help you.

Summing up, we hope these 5 tips will help you hold all the aces this year. Remember that good preparation is 50% of your future success!

Author’s Bio: Rhonda Martinez is a mom of two, a teacher of English language for adults and a senior editor at LegitWritingServices review website. Rhonda is keen on writing, tutoring English and discovering new and effective ways of teaching her students.

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