Causes of Memory Loss
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Memory loss, better known as Alzheimer’s disease, is a common condition among many individuals. Even though it takes a toll on older adults, especially those in their mid-sixties and beyond, younger individuals are equally vulnerable.

As societies continue to witness a surge in the number of memory loss victims, taking time to look at some symptoms that precede this condition is of great importance. This assists in the early detection of this condition and swift treatment which can have an absolute difference in the recovery process. Common known symptoms include;

· Difficulty in completing everyday tasks.

· Difficulty in planning and finding a solution to problems.

· Challenge with articulating ideas through speech or writing.

· Confusion with time or place.

Memory loss manifests in two forms; it can either be short-term or long-term, depending on its severity. Individuals who suffer short-term memory loss can quickly recover from this state provided they yield to the treatment process. Long-term memory loss is, however, difficult to treat or correct. The only option for victims in many instances is to have this condition managed by memory care specialists. Such experts offer several services in a bid to make a memory loss victim feel better. Below are some of those services;

· Recreational activities like sports.

· Periodical entertainment.

· Pet therapy.

· Yoga.

What are the causes of memory loss?

The human brain is undeniably a complex organ. It coordinates many functions within the human system, memory is one of them. This organ comprises different parts, each serving its unique purpose. Regions that are responsible for memorizing include; hippocampus, cerebellum, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex. Interference with any of these parts can have a fatal consequence as far as your memory is concerned. Here is a list of factors that can precipitate memory loss;

Sleep deprivation

Denying yourself enough sleep can be harmful. It is recommended that adults sleep for seven to nine hours while babies should even sleep for more extended periods. Failure to adhere to this can trigger amyloid deposits which are peptides known to cause memory loss and dementia.

Vitamin B-12 deficiency

Vitamin B-12 is responsible for maintaining healthy nerve cells, which play a vital role in enhancing memory. Its deficiency can negatively affect your memorizing ability. Older adults and vegetarians are highly vulnerable to this condition.

Anesthesia from recent surgery

Anesthesia is a vital element in any major surgery. It is used to numb the body by activating memory loss receptors in the brain. In some cases, the effect of this chemical might carry on for an extended period, leading to short-term memory loss or even long-term in extreme cases.

Use of alcohol

Any substance that alters the way your brain functions poses a significant threat to your brain’s wellbeing. Those who go binging or take alcohol in large quantities are slowly compromising the effectiveness of the hippocampus. This part of the brain is responsible for helping a person form and maintain memories. Alcohol slows down how nerves in the hippocampus communicate and, in some cases, even leads to permanent destruction of these nerves, causing long-term memory loss.

Final thought

Memory loss or Alzheimer’s disease is not exclusively a condition of the old. Going by the causes mentioned above, it is evident that it can affect anybody. In cases where it can be avoided, precautions should be taken to keep it at bay. Having a good memory is key to being productive in virtually every human endeavor that exists. Your mental health is partly in your hands. Make a wise decision and stay healthy for a long time to come. It is the only way to achieve your full potential.

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