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There are many reasons why people can have yellow teeth. The first and foremost reason is drinks with high acidity such as sports drinks, soda, coffee, juices, etc. These all can cause staining on one’s teeth, which is difficult to remove through simple brushing and flossing. If you fail to clean your teeth on time, this stain will turn out to be hard, making it difficult to remove later. You need to contact with a trained dentist with good experience, if you are planning to get your teeth white and sparkling like before under rained medical supervision. Avoid trying DIY tricks as you want the best help for the problem. That best help is only possible when you have a trained guide by your side. If you need a recommendation, simply head over to Paramus Dental Arts clinic.

Cost to Remove Yellow Stains on Teeth:

Unless you are sure about the cost associated with teeth whitening services, it becomes difficult to choose the right one. For that, consulting with your trained chosen dentist might help you in a significant manner. Depending on the type of service you are planning for, the costs are subject to change. So, without wasting time, first check out on the types and their prices first.

  • Over the counter treatment is what you can procure from $5 to $50. These are considered to be one of the cheapest teeth whitening treatments, and also least effective. Avoid going for the inexpensive ones as these might contain dangerous peroxide level, which is not good for the outer layer of your teeth.
  • The next one in the list has to be the take-home treatments, which might vary from anywhere between $200 and $400. The final kit comprises gel and teeth whitening trays. In case, you are looking for longer treatment, then you have to continue this in-house treatment for long, which will increase the cost as well.
  • When it comes to in-office treatment, then you are going for the most expensive help. For this service, you have to contact a trained dentist for help. These services range from $300 to $1000. The final cost depends on the number of sessions you need for actually whitening your teeth. In case, you are going for advanced treatment like laser whitening, then be prepared to invest some hefty amount for it.

Different Treatments to try out:

Whether you have cannot afford to spend much for the teeth whitening services, it is always mandatory to learn more about the treatment types first from trained and experienced dentist only. This will give you a clear idea on what market is offering right now and the exact results you are meant to get.

  • There is customized fit tray available with bleach to be applied on teeth’s outer enamel for procuring that white color. This is a reliable method and quite affordable for you to try out. You have to wear this plastic gum for around 2 to 3 hours or as directed by an expert.
  • You can always watch out for the fluoride-based toothpastes, known for cleaning your teeth’s enamel from the yellow stains. These toothpastes are for temporary relief and will only work if used as directed by the manufacturer.
  • You might also want to try your hands-on teeth whitening stripes. You can procure these products over counters without prescription and they are quite easy to use. The stripes comprise bleaching ingredients to whiten the teeth.

Apart from that, you have laser treatment as recommended by dentist for sure shot result. No matter what the case is, you can get the best result after checking out the available options.

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