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If you would like to upgrade your home but do not want to spend a lot on it, you can try some DIY home décor ideas. What room would you like to start with? Let us check the main projects for the main locations in your house:

  • Your home office or working corner;
  • The kitchen;
  • Your living room;
  • Your bedroom. 

You can make every place in your house more functional and advanced.

Turn Your Working Place into an Advanced and Functional Hub

The functionality of your working place influences your efficiency directly. Thus, your main renovation project will start with your working place or, if you have one, your home office. 

Your desk is the heart of your home office. There, you earn a living. What about making this place as comfortable as possible? You can install the desktop on a good frame, and the most advanced height-adjustable desk is at your service! It will take care of your health and well-being.

You can move further and automate your shelves, those that you have been using for ages. A nice lifting system is needed. Once you get it, divide the shelf into two parts. The front part is fixed on the wall, and the back part is attached to the lifting system. The lifting system moves the back part of the shelf down by exposing it, and when you do not need it, the system moves it up and hides it behind the front part. 

Such a shelf will allow you to use all the space efficiently, even those far corners that are never used properly.

Some Automation Ideas to Let Your Kitchen Accommodate All the Devices You Have Wanted to Buy

Your kitchen is another problematic space. It is normal that you want to make your cooking as easy as it is possible. For that, many devices are needed. However, the kitchen is not able to place all of them. 

Now, there is no need to sacrifice your comfort because of the lack of space. You can install lift platforms in your kitchen cabinets and fix there those devices that are not used constantly. For example, such platforms are perfect for accommodating a food processor, a coffee machine, and similar. 

  • Install a lift platform in the cabinet. 
  • In the cabinet top, make an opening. It shall be big enough to let the device pass. 
  • Attach a cover to the opening to make it close when the device is not in use. It allows you to use the cabinet like you usually do, and to use the device for which you otherwise would not have a place. 

If the installed lift system leaves some space beneath the platform when it is in the retracted position, you can use the space inside of the cabinet as you do it usually.

A Bed Lift to Let You Store More Things Conveniently

If you are suffering because of the lack of storage space, we have an idea that you might want to implement. What about storing some of your belongings under your bed? 

If your bed has a special storage compartment beneath, you might have already used it for storage purposes. If not, you will need to get one. It might look like a huge box of your bed size. Fix it under the bed, and the storage space is ready.

Now, you might be thinking that lifting your bed each time you need to get or store something is not the best idea indeed. We agree with you, however, with the installation of the storage compartment, the project is not completed. 

Fix the bed frame on a lifting system or a couple of actuators. You push a button, and these devices lift your bed. The storage space is at your service. Take things out or arrange them inside – you can do whatever you need. now, nobody must hold the frame. Also, you do not need to worry that it might fall on you. Advanced actuators have a special mechanism that blocks the system if the power is cut or the actuator gets broken. Thus, it will stay in one place instead of crashing down.

Your Living Room Can Look More Advanced 

With a new TV-set, your living room can look amazing. However, how can you install that TV-set if the space is scarce? Install it on the ceiling! No, we are serious. Fix a ceiling-mounted TV-lift, and your new TV-set will amaze your friends and family every time it goes down when you want to watch something and moves up when the show or movie is over. 

If you have a nice cabinet, you can use it to accommodate your new TV-set there. Install a TV lift inside, make an opening in the cabinet top, and fix the TV-set on the lift. That is it, you can impress your visitors with a TV that slowly raises from the cabinet. 

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