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What is Amazonian Hapé?

Medicinal herbs are powdered and often paired with a tobacco base for the preparation of rapé. Mapacho is typically used to make hapé – hapé elicits a feeling of alertness and elevation unlike most other natural plant-based effects.

When taken through the nose, the powdered snuff is experienced rapidly and intensely. Powdered plant medicine was first consumed through the nose by Brazilian indigenous tribes since pre-Columbian times.

The native herb snuff was introduced in Europe by the doctor and botanist Francisco Hernández de Boncalo in 1577. During that period, the elite would take snuff as a headache treatment. At the start of the nineteenth century, inhaling snuff became popular among the European nobility.

Native tribes in the Amazon basin continue to use hapé for functional and ceremonial purposes, including rites of puberty, initiation, cashiri drinking festivals, social gatherings, and healing ceremonies, as well as for simply tuning into nature and tracking the healing power of sacred plant medicines alone or with friends.

In addition to the Kaxinawa, Yawanawa, Nukini, Kuntanawa, Apurin, Ashaninka, and Matses, there are several tribes that traditionally use rapé. These tribes each have their own blend of Hapé blend as well as their own techniques and songs associated with the rapé rituals.

The popularity of hapé medicine has grown beyond traditional Amazonian settings, so people are beginning to seek a way to sit with it by themselves or without having someone else administer it to them.

The kuripe (self-applicator) is what you’ll need if you want to take hapé medicine (also called rapé, rapeh, hapéh). Usually used to self-administrate shamanic snuff, this blowpipe is a V-shape. One end of the kuripe is inserted in your mouth, while the other is inserted in your nostril, allowing you to blow the medicine directly into your nose.

When you sit with hapé on your own, you can feel grounded and centered. You can release negative energy, gain a sense of mental clarity, and reconnect to the present moment. You can access the power of this sacred Amazonian medicine with a kuripe and the right setting (we recommend doing it in nature or in the privacy and peace of your own home).

To begin with, though – how can you figure out which kuripe is right for you? With this handy guide of the different types of kuripes, you can make an informed decision.

Bamboo Kuripes

Bamboo Kuripes are lightweight and generally less expensive than other bamboo products – perfect for those just starting out. It should be noted that bamboo blowpipes require a little more attention when cleaning than other types, and can grow mold when kept in humid environments.

They are made from bamboo and resin by the Kutanawa tribe and have a traditional design.

Hardwood Kuripes

Hardwood kuripes, too, are a classic, classy option for administering hapé to oneself. Mahogany kuripes are handcrafted by local artisans in the Ecuadorian Andes. The wood is native to the Americas, and it has a straight-grained appearance.

If you’re looking for something unique in the world of kuripes, check out kuripes made of palo santo, which is known for its healing and energizing properties. A kuripe is a smooth and simple hapé ritual that is ideal for cleansing negative energies.

A coconut wood kuripe may be just what you’re looking for if you’re seeking a beautiful, durable, and effective tool for personal use. A strong airflow is guaranteed with this kuripe, and the sleek design leaves little to no snuff in the pipe (a common complaint with kuripes).

Stone Kuripes

When you feel more comfortable administering hapé yourself, you might want to consider purchasing a stone kuripe. As a result, stone kuripes can take a little while to master the snuff trajectory and to become accustomed to them.

Therefore, stone kuripes are easier to clean and maintain than wooden ones, which absorb moisture and can become moldy and mildewed if kept in humid conditions or wet.

In addition to enhancing spiritual exploration, serpentine can correct imbalances and help direct healing energy to the right places. The stone is also cooling to the nose and adds its own energy to the experience.


Metal Kuripes

The metal kuripe is another great option for long-lasting and durable hapé use with easy cleaning and disinfection. You can personalize your kuripes with intricate designs, colored threading, and acai beads.



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