INSCMagazine: Get Social!

By Tony Solomon

Exercise is good and necessary for everyone. However, is there a point where you just start overdoing it? Many health benefits come with regular exercise, but if you work too long and too hard, you increase the risk of getting injured, and there is a number of other negative effects it can have on your body.

In fact, if you are overexerting yourself, you will start to undermine all the efforts that you’ve put into your muscles, because you aren’t allowing your body to recover. Your immune system gets weakened too, so you become more prone to get ill.

Gut Problems: A study has shown that when you decide to workout harder and longer, you boost the risk of sustaining gut damage. To be more specific and get you more worried, you should know that overworking yourself can end up damaging the cells of your intestines. In result, they will leak endotoxins which would otherwise be isolated into your bloodstream.

This way you can end up having acute or chronic problems, which is certainly not what you are looking for.

Muscle Pain: What you will often hear is that building up of lactic acid is what creates muscle pain. The truth, however, is that it’s the combination of lactate, particular acids, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When your muscles contract, they release these substances, and result in pain.

This was discovered during a study done by scientists at the University of Utah. The researchers injected these substances into mouse nerve cells, and found out that they responded once all the three substances were injected at the same time. Human subjects showed similar results.

When all three substances were combined, they reported fatigue, swelling, and pain.

Cardiovascular Issues: Various cardiovascular effects have been found amongst people who chronically train for extreme events like marathons, ultramarathons, long-distance bicycle races, and Ironman distance triathlons. For example, a study was done among the group of patients with coronary artery disease. It has shown that those who worked out longer than the recommended maximum of 60 minutes showed decreased antioxidant levels and stiffened blood vessels.

On the other hand, those who exercised more reasonably, that is, for 60 minutes or less, experienced improved circulation and a reduction in free radicals.

Reduced Longevity: Another study compared the mortality rated between sedentary people and regular joggers. The study has shown that people whose exercise consisted of light to moderate running, when it comes to duration, pace, and frequency, had less probability to die over a period of 12 years than those who don’t do any exercise at all.

However, joggers that ran at a fast pace, more than two and a half hours a week, or more than three times a week, showed a mortality rate that wasn’t any different than that of the sedentary people. What this basically means is that running more than you should is not only unnecessary, but will actually reduce your longevity, as opposed to the benefits that you get from light and moderate exercise.

Diminished Sex Drive: A study in North Carolina showed that out of 1,077 men who walked, ran, cycled, swam, or lifted, those that reported that they have trained at low intensity were almost 7 times as likely to show a normal or high libido than those who trained at high-intensity levels. The fact is that intense exercise can cause a condition known as “exercise hypogonadal male condition” which happens when testosterone and luteinizing hormone are suppressed.

Furthermore, it is possible that too much intense exercise leads to mental and physical fatigue, diminishing the motivation for sex. Long-term intense exercise can cause deeper issues with your sexual health, such as erectile dysfunction. In that case, a professional intervention such as Ageless erectile dysfunction treatment may be necessary and just might do the trick.

Be Careful: As we can conclude from this article, too much exercise can really cause a wide variety of issues. It can result in gut problems, muscle pain, cardiovascular issues, reduced longevity and diminished sex drive. So it’s best that you do moderate amount of exercise in a reasonable amount of time. Straining yourself won’t get you anywhere.

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