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Nostalgia is one of our strongest feelings. It helps you remember the times you’ve been through. All of the sights, sounds, sensations, smells, and tastes of that era come rushing back every time any connection is made. This effect, the longing, only increases as we grow older.

Of the many decades past, the 50s stand out as one of the most iconic. It’s the decade that got America truly going. After the war, a fresh page was turned over to write a story of prosperity, which it did. Trivia board games can be one of the best ways to relive the memories of the fabulous 50s for baby boomers.

Taking the Trivia Trip Through Time

Trivia board games are a simple and fun way to entertain family and friends. The questions asked in it can be from many topics and categories. Trivia games for boomers can be based on their favorite times, such as the 50s. They can reference that time in many ways, making the boomer generation have fun with their nostalgia.

Themed Container

A cake is never complete without good icing on top of it. The same applies to a board game. Its outer packaging must inform the buyer about the product and make them want to have it. 

For a trivia game that wants to be about the 50s, it must live it on its packaging. The whole design must be of that era. Its front fascia must feature prominent 50’s icons and other relevant things strikingly. The same theme must continue all over the box. The colors and lettering must back it up too.

This immediately makes a great first impression on the buyer, especially someone familiar with it all, like a baby boomer. If you are looking to buy it for one, you will not go wrong with the Boom Again trivia board game.

50’s Imagery On The Board

The imagery of that decade must continue from the outside to the inside. The main playing board must have a strong attachment to that time in every way possible. Each category must be drenched in imagery that relates to it from that era.

The color scheme must match too. It can be a carryover from the outside or a whole new scheme. It must refrain from taking the conventional black and white route because that was the norm back then. Such images must be used only to effect wherever required, but not overdone.

Tokens of That Time

Tokens are a favorite among all trivia game players. It is more so when they are themed to their liking. These trinkets enhance the game’s whole experience by bringing the joy of victory when won from the competition. 

A 50’s theme token set is just waiting for creativity to be unleashed. A decade’s worth of iconic items can be used. Elvis’ guitar replica? Check. Hula hoop? Sure. Famed 50’s car? Definitely. Tiny soda bottles for the fountains? Yes, please!

There is no shortage of the number of 50’s iconic pop culture items, and there is no end to how many can be included or had separately to play the game. They are sure to kick that nostalgia into high gear.

Pop Culture Content

The categories that questions are based on in the game can go full-on on the 50’s theme. Things like news of that era, school life then, everyday happenings on the streets, songs, visuals, interior decoration, etc., can all be included. 

The questions should be framed to bring about all of the elements of life then. Some examples could be:

  • “Why suburban homes were called ‘Fertility Valleys’?”
  • “Name the most famous movie of 1958.”
  • “What was the Twilight Zone about?”
  • “What was the name of the first satellite launched by the Russians?”
  • “Who first climbed Mt. Everest in 1953?”

It is sure to jog the memory of seniors, especially those who have lived through that era and experienced those events first hand.

Gathering of the Like-Minded 

Board games are as much about sharing the experience with your close ones as it is about playing the game itself. It’s, after all, a group activity. And nothing takes you back to the 50s better than fellow boomers who have been there just like you have.

The questions might be about seeking answers, but they can do more. They can trigger a discussion on the topic being asked. It can also make people recount the stories of things happening in their life during that particular event. 

This recollection is amplified by the presence of many members of the same age. This bond that is developed via the discussions about that time deepens the experience of reliving it.

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