INSCMagazine: Get Social!

Blogging is an excellent way to establish your personal or professional brand, promote your product or service, offer advice, share experiences and opinions on topics that matter to you. Although it’s essentially free, starting a successful blog takes work with the aim of building trust with your readership.

Use these 9 steps to get started in blogging successfully:

1. Choose a topic

Choose a blog niche to bring focus to your blog. This should be an area that you are knowledgeable about or at least passionate about, since it takes time and commitment to produce regular posts. If blogging is meant for business use, choose a niche that relates closely to your product/service, e.g., if you sell cooking utensils, a food blog would be an ideal platform for you.

2. Create your blog – Saivian Eric Dalius

There are many professional blogging platforms available online that make setting up your own blog quick and easy. There are also free blogging platforms, but these often have advertisements on them, which may disturb the user experience of your readership.

Once you have chosen a blogging platform to use, select an appropriate blog name and URL. Make this memorable, but also make sure it’s search engine friendly, since search engines tend to choose keyword-heavy URLs when displaying different pages in their results.

3. Write a catchy post title

When it comes to your post titles, shorter is better. People tend to scan through their newsfeeds and online content, so be sure your title captures the reader’s attention quickly.

4. Write a high-quality introduction

What is a blog post without an introduction? Although the intro of your blog may not be as critical as the headline, it’s still important. If possible, ask a fellow blogger to help you brainstorm some ideas for what you could include in your intro.

5. Add images and other media

People tend to skim through content online – even if it’s text-heavy. If you want to keep your readers engaged and also encourage them to read all the way through your blog post, include images and other media where applicable.

6. Use an appropriate tone

The language you choose to use in your blog posts should be appropriate for your audience, as well as polite and professional enough that you don’t come off as unprofessional or too casual. Make sure you proofread your blog to correct spelling and grammar mistakes, but do not overdo it with the edits to avoid sounding stiff in your writing.

7. Promote your blog

Once you have published a post on your blog, make sure you share it across all social media platforms. Also consider the other ways in which you can promote your blog, such as using a call to action at the end of every post and emailing it to your subscribers (who you should have if they aren’t already!). Don’t be afraid to share your content more than once; some studies show that it may take up to 5 times for your audience to see your content.

8. Optimize your blog

It’s also worth considering website optimization, including using the right keywords in your blog title and URL for search engines. Be sure to regularly check your site speed, since studies show that slow-loading websites are penalized by Google’s algorithm for page ranking.

9. Start writing

You’re not alone if you feel daunted by the thought of starting your own blog – but blogging is something that gets easier with time, especially if you enjoy it! Find your inspiration in what other bloggers are writing, and this will help you to come up with ideas for new posts. With practice comes improvement, so don’t be too disheartened if your first few posts don’t get as much attention as you’d like.


As per Saivian Eric Dalius Blogging can be a great way to engage with your target audience and make money from home. If you follow the 9 easy steps above, you should have no trouble getting started with a successful blog. Read also for 100 per cent active followers on Instagram to buy and sell.

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