Influencer Marketing Campaign
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You may be adept at running your social media accounts, but you may be losing out if you’re not yet employing influencer marketing. Working with a social media company can help you tap into a network of influencers across industries, match your brand with experienced talent, raise your profile, expand your reach, and cultivate more robust engagement with your target demographic. Using a combination of social media marketing, web development, SEO, paid targeting, and more, a social media agency can help you develop an influencer marketing campaign designed for maximum ROI.

Why Pursue Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is about far more than a pay-per-post effort. With consistency and careful planning, influencer marketing content–especially that which includes coupon codes–delivers not only increased and authentic engagement but valuable metrics about your target audience’s behavior and preferences. 

It works. 

People trust influencers, especially those who take their roles seriously on different social media platforms. The level of engagement an influencer has with their followers is far more personal and authentic than any scripted commercial or ad copy. They give your brand added credibility because they’re vouching for you; you’re not just another company, you were recommended by someone they “know.” 

Reach Buyers Where They Are

The ability to work with an authoritative person with a hyper-specific target market allows you to reach most likely buyers. You don’t necessarily need big names when you have a truly influential person in a niche who’s earned their followers through genuine engagement and whose word is meaningful to their contacts. An extended social media influencer campaign can assist you in building not only sales but ongoing loyalty to your product, service, or brand.

Boost Your Organic Engagement

As social media platforms continue to modify their algorithms, it often affects slowing down or limiting brands’ attempts to get the word out about their product or service. What’s more, people have learned to tune out banner ads and other Internet advertising methods. Collaborating with influencers across social media platforms provides companies with a workaround of sorts. Influencers post content to their account, which performs better than ads in driving organic traffic to your website. Even better, influencer marketing can deliver immediate results. Once that social media content is live, an influencer’s followers begin engaging with it, and there’s no limit to the reach, unlike paid ads often have.


Influencer marketing is open to every company. And while not every influencer wields equal power across social media platforms, every platform has influencers. This allows you to meet your customers, no matter where they are. For example, if you wanted to sell coffee mugs, going door to door in town is pretty inefficient when you could provide the local coffee shop with an inventory of mugs with your logo to serve their customers with: it puts your product or service in front of those who are most likely to engage with your brand.

Improve Your SEO

Building a link strategy into your influencer marketing campaign helps your brand play a long game. While the initial post will drive engagement quickly, thoughtful and precise use of links and other SEO elements will drive overall marketing efforts over the long term. Even after your influencer’s sponsored posts drift further down their feed as new content is posted, effective SEO content in those posts will continue working hard for you.

Why You Shouldn’t Go At It Alone

Since we’re all such strong social media users ourselves, it’s easy to think that finding your influencers and collaborating on a social media campaign is do-able. And that may be true, but it’s also extremely time-consuming. 

A strong social media agency knows where to find the influencers across industries and on every platform. They can develop a campaign aligned with your goals. Using their database of contacts, they’ll be able to select a few vetted influencers and analyze their past social media engagement to ensure it’s a match that’s primed to deliver results. It’s more important to engage with influencers who have an active and loyal following instead of just many followers. And by reaching out to influencers they already have connections with, you’re more likely to get the arrangements you’re seeking than if you reached out cold.

Influencer marketing, when done right, is an extremely valuable part of a company’s marketing efforts. By harnessing the natural functions of social media in a way that feels authentic to users, working with an influencer can deliver a significant ROI. Build your influencer marketing campaign today and reap the benefits!

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