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Have you ever wondered what the quality of the water you have access to at home is like? Do you ever think about how contaminated it may be, or how safe it may be for your family to drink? If so, this is the article for you. Today, we will look through some of the best ways in which you can avoid drinking water contamination, so read on to find out more.

  1. Backflow Testing and Maintenance

Backflow testing is the first and best way to identify any water contamination issues you may be facing at home. Backflow is when unwanted, non-potable water enters your drinking supply. This can result in polluted water that can be very harmful to your health when ingested. Backflow prevention is a vital part of your home’s plumbing system and with proper maintenance, you can prevent problems in your plumbing system from arising before they even start.

  1. Be Observant

Being observant of the water supply you are receiving in your home is one of the key elements to ensuring that your water is not contaminated. One of the best ways to identify issues with your water is to collect a sample in a clear glass and look at it closely. Do you notice any foreign particles floating around? Is the colour of your water anything but clear?

If you do notice off-coloured water or anything floating around, it is a sign that your water may not be as pure as you think. Consider smelling your water as well. If it has any strong odours, it is time to contact your water supplier and let them know of the issues you are facing.

  1.          Avoid Re-Boiling Water

Re-boiling water is harmless, right? Wrong! Boiling water is a great step to take to purify your drinking supply, but re-boiling it can actually have some very harmful and dangerous consequences. When you reboil water in a kettle or in a pot, you run the risk of contaminating it with toxins and metals that may be present in your boiling vessel of choice. Always boil fresh water, and discard of any leftovers if you are not going to use or consume it. Your health will thank you.

  1. Keep Those Faucets Clean

This one should be a no brainer, but unfortunately, sometimes the most obvious of things are the things we turn a blind eye to. The insides of your faucet nozzles should be cleaned often as chemicals and contaminants can often build up over time. If this is the case, any water that runs out of your faucet will also becoming contaminated. Whilst not a life or death situation, water contaminated in this way can often lead to mild skin and digestive issues which may be even more harmful to the elderly and the young. Keep those faucets clean!

  1.        Purchase A Water Filter

Another way you can prevent your family from consuming contaminated water is to purchase a water filter. You can purchase an under the counter filter that can filter water directly from your kitchen or bathroom faucet. Alternatively, you can purchase one that attaches to the head of your water faucet. Some other forms of filtering your water at home would be to purchase a water purifier that will provide you with clean water, without the added price of having to purchase mineral water for consumption all the time.


We hope that these handy pointers have steered you in the right direction when it comes to avoiding drinking water contamination. With a little know-how and effort, you can ensure that both you and your family’s health are preserved and that water contamination is no longer an issue in your household.

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