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Do you want to increase your global reach? While the Internet allows almost every business to reach customers wherever they are, it is important to have an understanding of different populations because they are not only separated geographically. Their needs and wants are not similar, thus it is vital that you have content to meet various needs. In an attempt to give a variety of content for your global SEO strategy, it is critical that you know how to scale your SEO strategy to maximize your capabilities.

Internet penetration

As of October 2020, the number of active Internet users was about 4.66 billion people representing about 59% of the world’s population. With the pandemic, mobile connection is now the most vital channel for Internet access of more than 91% of Internet users worldwide.
The highest Internet penetration rate, at 95%, is in Northern Europe. Among all the countries, South Korea, Denmark, and the UAE have the highest Internet penetration. In terms of online users, Asia logged as the region with the highest number. In the Asian region, there are about 2.3 billion users, while the second, with about 728 million Internet users is Europe.

How to scale your SEO strategies according to the best Plano SEO companies

The Internet is a valuable tool to reach customers who are located in different countries. Since audiences and customer bases differ in culture and language, you can be more effective in reaching your target by understanding their needs and wants and providing them with content that will satisfy their needs. In most cases, it is not enough to just translate your content. What you need is to localize your website to ensure that your technical SEO content is in the correct language for each particular region. Since there are differences, it is not practical to think that one size fits all. You should scale your SEO practices ensuring that nothing is wasted.

Here are some things you should do.

  1. Understand that each region’s demand is different from the other 

As an SEO practitioner, you notice that when using Google to search, the SERP layouts and content types differ by country. This is due to how a particular keyword triggers the search, as some keywords work in one country but will not be as effective in others. The best Plano SEO companies explain that Google fashions its SERPs according to the local interests and trends to ensure the optimal experience of local users.

You should understand that aside from the changes in the SERP layouts and content, the traffic rate and keywords will change, too. It is not practical to translate the keywords directly into other languages. It is vital to consider the local vocabulary, slang, population, and cultural interests. Even if it is within the same industry, different regions differ in their expectation of brands. Thus, some brands perform well while others are not so popular, so choose an SEO company with experience in your target areas.
In order to scale your SEO strategy, optimize the site locally. It will perform better if you can create content and user experience specifically for your local target market.

  1. Establish a global framework for your SEO

Even if it is the same language, there will be slight differences in how the language is spoken in different regions. For example, the Spanish spoken in Spain is different from the Spanish used in Mexico. For your international SEO strategy, it is vital to incorporate hreflang tags. The code instructs Google and other search engines which language to display for a specific country. In short, the hreflang tag ensures that the site visitors can view your blog content in the language they understand.

It is also a big help to reduce the occurrence of duplicate content since the tag tells Google that your content is written for different users.

Ensure that you are correctly marking your content with the hreflang tags by marking up the page, placing the tag in the site map, and placing the tag in the HTTP header, which makes sure that the tag will be present on each page.

  1. Localize your content

After you have learned how to prepare the framework for the international audience, your next focus is your content. Prepare region-specific content for your different audiences. Make sure that you produce content that will appeal to local audiences. This involves research and study of consumer demographics, according to the best Plano SEO companies. You need to perform a country or region-specific keyword search and study local interests and trends. Make your content more appealing by incorporating local slang and vocabulary.

If you run your business in multiple locations, ask the SEO company for recommendations on which languages to use for your website localization. Likewise, you should ensure that you have different landing pages for each language. Further, increase the appeal of each landing page to readers and the search engines by including local interests, pastimes, landmarks, and other points of interest.

  1. Consolidate your strategies

You can scale your global SEO strategy by unifying your local, mobile, and global optimization schemes. Check the countries you are aiming for and prioritize those where you are likely to find the most number of customers. See to it that your search engines will understand where your content needs visibility to maximize your significance to your intended audience.

Hire a native speaker to ensure that your content will resonate with the local audience. Your research, data analysis, consumer demographics, and other information will come in handy in creating content that will appeal to the majority of your target audience.

One other thing you should do is to optimize your site and your content for mobile devices because these smaller communication tools are becoming the most popular among many users.

  1. Measure the results

When you’re implementing a global SEO strategy, you should measure the results, so that you will know where you should improve. Things you should check is your ranking and presence in various countries, search engine page rankings, and your success and influence in social media channels.

These are the essential steps to scale your global SEO strategies. Keep in mind that each new market will be different, and working with a professional SEO company will help you to keep track of what you should do to ensure effective implementation.



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