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In today’s world, being at your best is a prerequisite to being successful. Old age and behavioral patterns can lead to diminishing eyesight.

Old age and several genetic factors can lead to reducing eyelashes. One of the most common drugs that help to reverse the problems is the Careprost eye drops. 

Careprsot is Generic Lattise which atctive component is Bimatoprost eye drops are one of the most reliable medical aids that can help to improve the overall health of your eyes. 

About Careprost Eye Drops

Careprost is a common brand name for the drug which is scientifically named as Bimatoprost. The primary function of this Bimatoprost drug is to treat high pressure inside the eye.

This high pressure inside the eyeball can be caused by problems like glaucoma, which is related to diabetes. This conventional medication brings added benefits of growing your eyelashes by increasing them in their size.

This can help to get an individual thicker and more voluminous eyelashes within a few hours as the medicine starts to show its effects within 4hrs. 

How does Careprost work? 

Careprost and its active ingredient Bimatoprost work by the mechanism of increasing the outflow of the aqueous fluid in the eyeball to reduce the overall pressure that is created.

This acts as an easy and painless way to ensure better vision quickly. It is undoubtedly a useful drug for patients with glaucoma problems. 

Side Effects of Careprost 

Some minor side effects come with the medicinal usage of Careprost. Side effects include problems like conjunctivalhyperemia, which is known to occur to about 10% of the users of the medicine.

Additional side effects of glaucoma treatment include blurred vision, eye discomfort, and redness. The adverse effects include headache and nausea, which occurs in less than 1% of the patients. 

Warnings to note while using Careprost 

 Pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug should not be used by any women that are carrying children. The effects of the drug can be harmful to the growth of the baby. 

 Contact lenses 

These drops are not friendly to people who are wearing contact lenses. The drug can be administered only by removing the lenses before application. The glass can be worn again at least after a period of 15 minutes. 

 Bacterial Keratitis 

 If the medicine gets contaminated with bacteria, then it increases the risks of the ophthalmic disorder bacterial keratitis. This bacteria affects the cornea of an individual and can disrupt vision completely. It should be ensured that the medicine is kept is a cool and dry place away from bacteria. 

 Change in Eye Color 

One common side effect of the drug is the change in the color of the iris. It darkens the amount of the brown pigment on the iris leading to a darker shade.

 Usage in minors 

The drug is not appropriate for developing children as well as adolescents because of its disruption in healthy growth.  The medicine cannot be used by children below the age of 16 because of lacking positive results. 

You Many also Read about Generic Lattise

Generic Latisse (Bimatoprost)

How long do you need to use careprost?

Using medicines regularly is something that everyone hates. The counter placebo of using medicine can lead many people to believe that they are sick. To maximize the cosmetic results of the Careprost Bimatoprost eye drop for better eyelashes, it needs to be used regularly for a long time.

Initial results start to appear within the 3rd to 4th week of applying it regularly.

The best results are found only by the 13th and 14th week of usage. Thus it is crucial to commit to keep on using the medicine and then patiently wait for the results.

By stopping the use of the drugs the effects can last for a few days before the eyelashes eventually go back to their original form. 

The use of Careprost for its medical features should be regulated by care under a registered medical practitioner. Only the prescription amount of doses should be taken in a specific period.

This period can vary depending upon the seriousness of the problems in the internal ophthalmological pressure. The drug regulates problems like eye pressure, fluid draining, and decrease the overall chances of complete impairing of vision.

Thus, such serious businesses should be handled by doctors only. Always buy trusted pharmacy site. Generic Villa is repuated side in the USA, UK and major Europe country. 

How to store Careprost properly? 

Improper storage of the drug can lead to many bacterial infections, which can cause permanent, irreversible damage to the cornea of the eye. To ensure that the drug is contamination free it is essential to store it in a cool and dry place.

The best storage conditions are 2 to 25 degrees Celsius. It is ideal for keeping them out of light and safe from humid and moist regions to prevent the growth of bacterial pathogens.

The drug should be stored in a refrigerator in a marked bottle. The medicine should also be kept away from the reach of children. 

Some commonly asked questions regarding Careprost

With a promising solution to many of our problems in a single bottle, there are a lot of concerns that are prominent with the people. Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions about the drug.  

 When does the drug start to show its effects? 

Careprost medicine is known to display positive effects after applying as quickly as within 4 hours. However, it is the religion following the drug course that is provided to you by your ophthalmologist. 

 How long do its effects last? 

 Upon applying an eye drop of this medicine, the effects tend to last 12-14 hours. After completing a regular dosage course of the medication the results tend to last for four weeks after the day of discontinuation. 

 Can this be addictive? 

 The Careprost drug’s main constituent Bimatoprost is not known to have any addictive properties. Thus regular users don’t have to worry about any habit forming habits by using it. 

 Use while pregnant 

 The use of this medicine while being is not safe for the children, and hence, it should be used by pregnant women only if necessary. The pros and cons of using this drug should be weighed heavily before using it. 

 Use while breastfeeding 

 It is not recommended to use the drug while breastfeeding. It can be used only if necessary. Consult your doctor to get more advice on your situation. 

 Can I drive after using this medicine? 

 Some common side effects of the drug include blurred vision. If you are using the drug to treat glaucoma, then you shouldn’t be driving a car at all after using the medicine. 

Careprost Dosage 

The medicine is mainly used regularly with a single dosage of a drop every day. If the medication is accidentally skipped, then don’t increase the dosage but instead, continue the same routine from the next day. 

There are infrequent occasions when a person can overdose with eye drop medication. These drops, however, can be dangerous if accidentally administered orally. They should always be kept out of the reach of children. When you suspect an overdose, then it is crucial to contact a physician immediately and get adequate treatment. 


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