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There Are Four Primary Reasons Of Blocked Drains In Your Home

Blocked drains can occur at any time of year, although some are seasonal due to changes in lifestyle and climate. You can use some DIY tricks to clean your drains. For example, you can pour hot water mixed with vinegar or baking soda in your drains to remove the grease and oils from your drains. But you cannot clean the clogs from your underground drainage system and you need to call a plumber in this regard.

Blocked Drains: What Causes Them?

  1. Roots Of Trees
  • One of the most prevalent causes of blocked drains is tree roots.
  • Tree roots can penetrate into the pipe and it can leak your pipes.
  • Some plumbers argue that the pipe must have been damaged before the penetration, and that the break could not have been caused by tree roots. In any event, tree roots are a nightmare for pipelines.
  • The only method to remove the obstruction is using a jet rodding system. Excavation and pipe relaying will be required if there are any major leakages. Depending on the type of break, the pipe can be internally relined without excavation.
  • A drain camera can offer a clearer picture of the problem and you can easily locate the clogged areas. Afterward, you can clean your drains.
  • The best course of action is to cut down the tree and prevent the roots from growing again. However, if the council owns the tree, it may not be possible. To avoid a clog, you should arrange a yearly drain cleaning and inspection.
  1. Food And Fats
  • Food and fats can block your drains.
  • Food leftovers should still be discarded rather than flushed down the toilet. Rice and pasta, which swell in water, may clog your sink.
  • Fats are also harmful to drains and the public sewage system.
  • Fatbergs occur in drains when oils and fats that have been washed down the drain solidify and create a mass. Because of the low temperatures, fats solidify in the sewer and mix with wipes and other particles to produce a large-scale fat pile.
  • Fatbergs block our sewers and may cost a huge amount to remove and repair the sewage lines.
  • To avoid fatberg development, avoid flushing fats and oils down the drain. Allow them to solidify before disposing them.
  • Alternatively, if there are any little residues of oil on the plates, rinse them with hot water. Dishwashing liquid will disperse the little oil residue in the sink.
  • Pour boiling hot water and dishwashing soap down the drain if you suspect fat residue is blocking it. You may also use bicarbonate soda and vinegar as a natural cleaning solution in this regard.
  1. Wet Wipes
  • According to popular belief, only urine, feces, toilet paper, and puke should be flushed down the toilet.
  • Unfortunately, as toilet paper has become more widely available, the usage of flushable wipes and paper towels has grown. This was a worry before COVID-19 came on our shores owing to faulty packaging that stated they could be flushed.
  • You must dispose your wipes or paper towels in a bin and you should not flush them in your toilet. Toilet paper dissolves in water. Wipes and paper towels collect water, producing a massive clog in your toilet.
  1. Slurry Of Soap
  • Fat-based soaps can cause a sludge buildup at the drain’s bottom. When they come into contact with hair and other human waste, they will clog the drain. Pour 12 cup of vinegar over 1/3 cup of Bi-Carb Soda, and use it to clean your drains to remove such particles from your drains.

Also, to solve the blocked drain problem prefer a quality Water Pipe that helps to manage your drainage system.

If your drain is clogged, you must first identify the type of blockage. You need to hire a professional plumbing service to identify such clogged areas and they will clean your drains and sewage system by their advanced tools.

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