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No matter how beautiful a person may be in someone’s eyes, the chances are that they believe there’s something worth changing about their looks. Most people these days feel like that. Unfortunately, the reasons behind this are usually far from healthy or logical. This is one of the main aspects of plastic surgery where taboo comes from.

Indeed, it’s not that positive or empowering to have a constant need to change the way you look in order to maybe start loving yourself a bit more. But, this is quite an extreme case. Not everyone who finds some part of their body unattractive is actually in a dangerous mindset that pushes them to overdo the changes. Sometimes, there’s nothing more to plastic surgery than there is to styling the hair or choosing clothes. This is what everyone has to keep in mind nowadays, especially considering the fact that plastic surgery is readily available to everyone – not just the celebrities.

A confidence boost is generally a good thing

As mentioned, looking for the feeling of happiness only in the physical appearance is far from healthy and definitely not something to be encouraged. However, improving specific features that may be the main cause of your lack of self-confidence can do wonders for your mental well-being and overall self-image. One doesn’t have to be obsessed with their looks in order to benefit from a self-image boost. Actually, a tweak in appearance that is enough to make the person in question happy can be considered just one of the many techniques used in order for them to improve the quality of their lifestyle and get closer to mindfulness.

In the end, going through life 100% focused on the way you look is definitely not something that one should do. But, there’s nothing wrong in being self-aware and having clear ideals of what physical change could better the way you live your life, without getting too overwhelmed with the notion of physical surgery.

Plastic surgery helps a lot of people

Plastic surgery is not just about the way you look. The psychological effects of a certain feature on one’s body may truly be triggering and a cause of misfortune. Not only that, but there are plenty of cases where people have to deal with certain body features that happened to them as a consequence of an illness, accident or something else. In that respect, plastic surgery is the best solution to their problems, and far from something taboo.

For instance, just by looking at the work of the plastic surgeon Dr Eddy Dona, one can understand that the technology of plastic surgery is just like any other medical advancement – there to help the patients. Plastic and reconstructive surgery allows people to get their lives and confidence back, and, most importantly, the procedure lets them finally see their true form in the mirror. While it’s true that beauty comes from the inside, it’s also paramount to accept the fact that humans need to see that beauty reflected through their smile and eyes. Those with a poor self-image can’t possibly enjoy the benefits of their inner beauty to the fullest. That is not something people should be condemned for when there’s help readily available in the form of plastic surgery.

It’s all about making the most out of life

Just because you find a certain feature more beautiful doesn’t mean that you’re a slave to beauty trends. It simply means that you have something you like and you have every right to feel so! And if you can consider certain feature attractive on other people, why shouldn’t you be able to do the same on your own body? It seems that humans are the biggest slaves to the fear of pure happiness and strong self-image. No one’s worth lies in the way they look but if the way they look can give them a push into mindfulness and winning mentality from the inside, why not take the opportunity?

Nothing excessive is good, and the same goes for plastic surgery. But, the truth remains the same – individually adjusted treatment is there to help the said individual make the most out of their life and take a step closer to enjoying every moment of it; all that without the usually associated stress that comes with some kind of dissatisfaction, especially if that dissatisfaction stems from the physical appearance.

You wouldn’t leave an open cut on your arm without putting a bandaid on it first. Just like that, specific features that you don’t like on your body can create deep emotional wounds if left untreated. Even worse, the wound can spread and get infected if the person is constantly pressured into thinking that their wishes are considered a taboo. There’s nothing taboo about plastic surgery in this day and age. Just make sure not to lose yourself in the changes and stay true to what you want and believe in. As mentioned, your looks don’t and won’t define your worth, but a boost in self-confidence is always welcome.

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