If you are a fan of anything Marvel, you will surely know the name, Stan Lee. More importantly, you know what Stan Lee looks like thanks to his countless cameo appearances in Marvel films and tv shows. This is not limited to Marvel Cinematic Universe films and shows either, but any film that centers around Marvel’s comic book characters.

Lee has appeared in the Spider-Man films, both the Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield versions. He was getting down in a strip club during Deadpool earlier this year. He has appeared in the X-Men films as well. His cameos date all the way back to 1989 during the tv movie The Trial of the Incredible Hulk. His first theatrical cameo came 11 years later in 2000’s X-Men.

And that is when the birth of Stan Lee’s cameos began. Throughout the 2000’s fans began to look forward to Lee’s next cameo. Where would he show up in the next film? Then Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D hit the small screen, and sure enough, there he was on a train. When Marvel came to Netflix, fans asked, where will Lee show up?

Well in season one of both Daredevil and Jessica Jones, Lee had one of his more difficult to spot cameos yet. In both shows, Lee could be seen in the background in a picture on the wall in the police station. So sure enough, when Luke Cage was released last Friday, eagle-eyed fans were on the lookout for Lee’s face.

And fans will not be disappointed, as Lee does make a similar appearance to the previous two Marvel Netflix properties. In the show’s twelfth episode, the title character Luke Cage spots two men in masks entering a convenience store. Outside of the store, there is a poster that says “See a crime? Report it!”. On that poster, none other than Stan Lee, once again sporting a police uniform!

So it appears to be a running theme within the Marvel Netflix properties to make Lee a police officer who appears in the form of a photograph. When I saw this one, I could not help but laugh and smile. The Stan Lee cameo streak lives on!

Lee has reportedly already filmed his next four or five cameos as well. So fans can look forward to seeing a lot more of Lee in Marvel properties! Next up, Doctor Strange on November 4th, 2016!