HP Deskjet 3720 ink cartridges are special little containers of ink that help your printer make words and pictures on paper. Let’s talk about five neat features to look for when you purchase HP Deskjet 3720 ink cartridges online that make these ink cartridges awesome:

1.      They Come in Different Colors

HP Deskjet 3720 ink cartridges aren’t just one boring color. They come in two main types: black and tri-color.

The black ink cartridge is just what it sounds like – it’s full of black ink. This is the ink your printer uses for most of the words you print and for the dark parts of pictures.

The tri-color cartridge is like a box of crayons all in one. It has three colors inside: cyan (which is a bright blue), magenta (which is a hot pink), and yellow. Your printer mixes these colors to make all the other colors you see in your printed pictures.

When you use both the black and tri-color cartridges together, your printer can make almost any color you can imagine. It’s like having a tiny art studio inside your printer!

2.      They’re Smart Ink Cartridges

These ink cartridges are pretty clever. They have a special chip inside that talks to your printer. This chip tells the printer how much ink is left and helps make sure you’re using real HP ink.

When you put a new cartridge in your printer, the printer reads this chip. It’s like the cartridge is introducing itself to the printer. “Hi, I’m a new HP 65 black ink cartridge. Nice to meet you!”

This smart chip also helps your printer use the ink in the best way. It knows just how much ink to use for different types of printing, so you don’t waste any.

3.      They’re Designed to Be Easy to Use

HP made these ink cartridges so they’re easy to put in and take out of your printer. You don’t need to be a mechanic to change your ink!

The cartridges are shaped so they only fit in the printer one way. It’s like they have their own special parking spot. This means you can’t put them in wrong by accident.

When it’s time to change the ink, you just open the printer, pull out the old cartridge, and pop in the new one. It usually clicks into place, so you know it’s in right. It’s almost as easy as changing the batteries in a toy.

4.      They Come in Different Sizes

HP knows that different people print different amounts. Some people print a lot, and some people don’t print very much. That’s why they make these ink cartridges in two sizes.

The regular size is called HP 65. These are good for people who don’t print too often.

The bigger size is called HP 65XL. The XL stands for “extra large”. These cartridges have more ink inside, so they last longer. They’re great for people who print a lot or for offices where many people use the same printer.

The XL cartridges cost more, but they can be a better deal if you print a lot because you don’t have to buy new ink as often.

5.      They’re Made to Be Kind to the Planet

HP tries to make these ink cartridges in a way that’s good for the environment. They use recycled plastic to make the cartridges. This means they’re taking plastic that might have been thrown away and giving it a new job as an ink cartridge.

When you’re done with your ink cartridge, you can send it back to HP. They have a special program where they take old cartridges and either use the materials to make new cartridges or recycle them into other things.

This helps keep old ink cartridges out of the trash, which is good for the planet. It’s like giving the plastic a second life instead of throwing it away.

Extra Things to Know About HP Deskjet 3720 Ink Cartridges

Here are a few more interesting things about these ink cartridges:

They have expiration dates: Like food, ink can go bad. The date is usually printed on the package.

They work best in pairs: Your printer is happiest when it has both a black and a color cartridge.

They’re protected: The cartridges come in special packages to keep them safe until you’re ready to use them.

They’re part of a big family: HP makes lots of different ink cartridges, but the 65 and 65XL are made just for printers like your HP Deskjet 3720.

Wrapping Up

HP Deskjet 3720 ink cartridges are more than just boxes of ink. They’re colorful, smart, easy to use, come in different sizes, and are made with the environment in mind. These features help make sure your printer works well and your printed pages look great.

Remember, when it’s time to buy new ink, make sure you get the right kind for your printer. Look for HP 65 or HP 65XL, depending on how much you print. With the right ink, your HP Deskjet 3720 will be ready to print whenever you need it!

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