5 Things to Look for When Seeking Warehouse Space

Is your company looking for warehousing space? Renting offers many benefits. In addition to getting the secure space required, you’ll face lower overhead and greater flexibility since you can sign on for short- or long-term leases. Your business can enjoy a lower risk profile by renting over buying since the warehouse owner will be responsible for general upkeep and repairs.

If your company needs a warehouse, here are five things to consider before choosing one.

1. Consider the Location

Arguably, the most important consideration is the location. If you come across several options that check all the boxes except for location, they should be stricken from the list. That can be the case even if the price is a steal of a deal. 

A less-than-ideal location might be inconvenient. But that’s just one negative. It can also increase the costs of transporting materials and other goods to and from the warehouse. If the wrong location makes the warehouse cost-prohibitive, you can’t underestimate the importance of finding the right location. It might cost more to secure it, but it can save you money afterward.

Make a point of finding a company offering secure and strategically located warehouses at its facilities. You’ll want flexible storage solutions to accommodate whatever materials you need to store, and you’ll want quick and easy access whenever you need your materials.

2. Consider the Hours of Operation

It’s also essential to consider the hours of operation. In other words, you must know if there are any restrictions to access. Ideally, you’ll be able to access the facility around the clock. That will allow you maximum flexibility. However, some warehouse owners have different hours of service that renters must abide by. You must ensure the hours of service fit your company’s needs.

3. Consider the Specific Storage Requirements

Don’t overlook the importance of looking into specific storage requirements. Make a note of all the materials your business needs to store in a warehouse. How much floor space do your materials need? Should they be stacked? Do they need to be placed on racks? After answering these questions, you’ll be able to find warehouse spaces that meet your needs. 

You can’t make a good decision without physically touring warehouses on your shortlist. Doing so will help verify if certain spaces suit your company’s needs. The last thing you need is to choose a warehouse and find that it’s inadequate for your company’s requirements.

4. Consider the Upkeep

Another thing to consider is the importance of a clean environment. Are the owners of the warehouse absentee landlords who pay little or no attention to maintenance and repairs? If so, that’s a red flag. You need a clean warehouse space. It’s not just about aesthetics either. A dirty or cluttered space can be a safety or security hazard for your employees. Find a facility where cleanliness is a priority rather than an afterthought.

5. Consider the Staff

Yet another important consideration is the staff working at the warehouse facility. The employees can make or break the overall renting experience. You’ll want to rent space at a warehouse with staff members who are professional, courteous, and committed to providing excellent customer service. If you have questions, they should provide the information you need. And if there are issues, they should take the initiative to resolve the situation. 

You should also have access to management if the employees can’t resolve the problem or don’t have the authority to do what you ask. In that case, you must know that the warehouse owners will be responsive and not leave you hanging.

These are some essential things to consider if you’re looking for a warehouse to rent. Finding the right place means understanding what makes for a suitable warehouse space. Remember these five points as you look for the perfect fit for your business.

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