
When you need a new transformer, whether you’re replacing one that has failed, or you’re getting a new installation, it’s crucial to choose the right unit. While the company you buy a transformer from will probably ask questions to make sure you’re making the right purchase, they probably won’t ask you additional questions to determine your individual needs. 

For instance, you could purchase a transformer that would definitely work for your use case, but have individual needs that make it the wrong choice. 

When it comes time to get a new transformer, here’s some advice for choosing the right unit that will not only function correctly, but meet your unique requirements.

 1. Verify your technical specs 

There are several key technical specifications that are crucial in helping you determine which transformer to buy. For example, you’ll need the right size, and according to experts at ELSCO Transformers, there’s a simple formula to calculate kilovolt-ampere (kVA) rating. However, since calculations might not tell you the exact transformer size you need; they suggest consulting a sizing chart provided by a manufacturer.

Other technical specifications to consider include your voltage requirements, load capacity, and frequency. All of these specs should be at the top of your list when looking at potential options.

2. Consider the installation location

Consider where you need your transformer installed. If you’re replacing an old transformer that has failed, you’ll have to get a new unit that will fit into your existing infrastructure. As another option, you can have a new transformer retrofitted into the existing space with a little extra work.

If you don’t already have a location to install your transformer, you’ll need to consult with a professional to determine the best location. You might need to build an enclosure for your transformer, which might increase the space needed for your installation.

 3. Account for compliance and regulatory requirements

Depending on where you live and what you’re installing, there are several different regulations and standards you’ll need to follow, such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

When choosing a new transformer, it’s critical that the unit you pick meets specific requirements for industry standards. A trusted manufacturer will produce units that meet all applicable requirements and can provide you with proof if necessary.

 4. Consider the type of transformer: dry or oil-filled

One of the most important considerations when buying a transformer is the type. Some transformers are cooled by circulating air and dry insulation materials, while others are cooled by liquid, like mineral oil. Both types are reliable options, but they aren’t ideal for all use cases. 

For example, oil-filled transformers should only be used outside since they are a much bigger fire and explosion risk. On the other hand, putting a dry-type transformer outside can ruin it by exposing it to moisture and other elements.

Ideally, if you need a transformer installed indoors, a dry-type is best because it will be less of a risk and will operate quieter. If your transformer will be located outside, especially in a public space, it’s better to have an oil-filled, padmount transformer.

 5. Is it a temporary or permanent need? 

Sometimes, situations call for temporary installations, and if that’s your situation, you might want to consider getting a refurbished transformer rather than a new unit. Whether or not this is the right move will depend heavily on how long you need to use the transformer, how heavy it will be used, and whether or not you’ll need to set up a transformer at another location later on.

Refurbished transformers can be an excellent choice for temporary needs, like construction sites. However, they aren’t advised for long-term use. Even when purchased from a reputable manufacturer, refurbished units won’t last as long as new units. There’s also a chance that they won’t perform at the same level. They are, at best, temporary solutions.

 6. How long can you wait?

The last and final consideration is the wait time. How long can you wait for your transformer? The lead time for a new transformer used to be about six months, but due to the current transformer shortage, you might have to wait a couple of years to get a brand new unit. In the meantime, you can get a refurbished unit, but you still might have to wait for that.

Consult with a professional before making your purchase

No matter how much research you do on your own, nothing compares to advice from a professional. Before buying a transformer, consult with a pro to make sure you get the right unit for your available space and needs.


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