Impact on Children

As your child grows older, you can expect to see certain changes in terms of medical needs.

For example, kids are growing up fast at this age. Expect more trips to the doctor for scrapes, bumps, and broken bones. As children socialize more, they may contract more flu viruses, common colds, chicken pox, and other contagious illnesses.

You may start noticing more behavioral-based issues that need medical attention like hyperactivity.

Thus, it’s important to book routine well child visits to ensure your 6-year old is healthy and happy.

Learn more about a 6-year-old well child check up.

Pediatricians Visit Expectations On Check Up Day

First, you will sign in at the reception desk and will likely be given an inpatient form to fill out. You will be asked several questions about your child’s current health status, including any allergies to medications and health conditions.

When you’re ready a medical assistant will weigh your child and measure their height to assess their body mass index. A healthy BMI calculation sits on the 5th through 58th percentile scale.

Next, the assistant will check your child’s blood pressure. High blood pressure may indicate that your child is experiencing more stress than usual.

A vision test is next to see if your child needs eyeglasses. It’s not uncommon for children’s vision to worsen over time. They will also undergo a standard hearing test.

Well child Examination Tips for Nutrition

The medical assistant or pediatrician may ask about your child’s nutrition. You may also receive pamphlets on healthy eating schedules and food choices.

Children at this age should have three balanced meals a day and up to two healthy snacks. This age needs plenty of lean proteins, fruits and veggies, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. You can also replace dairy with plant-based milk fortified with calcium and vitamin D.

Pediatric Checkup Guide For Digestive Health

Pediatricians in Boise will ask about your child’s digestive health and bathroom habits.

Talk to them about any issues with constipation, diarrhea, or unhealthy stool.

It’s also not uncommon for children to still have bedwetting issues at this age; this could be an indicator of stress, as well.

Child’s Doctor Visit Checklist For Sleeping Habits

Talk to the pediatrician about any sleep issues. Children at this age should have at least eight hours of sleep, but 9 to 12 hours is recommended by doctors.

Lack of sleep can cause focusing issues in school. They’re more likely to fall asleep in class and not turn in homework.

The doctor will reiterate the importance of setting a strict bedtime and turning off any devices before bed.

6-Year-Old Health Milestones

These appointments help parents track valuable health milestones.

Children should have no problem walking heel to toe. Tying their shoes should also come naturally at this point.

In terms of education, they should be able to write their first and last names, add and subtract, and better distinguish between reality and fantasy.

6-Year-Old Well Child Check

Remember this guide as you discuss future health milestones for your child.

Don’t underestimate the importance of BMI, hearing, sight, nutrition, sleep, digestion, and more 6-year-old well child check milestones.

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