Dr. Meleeka Clary’s multifaceted journey has helped her impact lives through her unique Dr. Meleeka Clary Show, her film Three Corners of Deception, and her role as a human rights activist.

There are people and professionals across the world who do so much more than they ever imagined in their life and career because that’s how life panned out for them, giving them diverse experiences but essentially making them more assertive in their quest to make life worthwhile. Making the most of such experiences, of all the highs and lows in life, learning from them, while creating newer opportunities for herself and ensuring to improve the lives of others is Dr. Meleeka Clary, a clinical psychologist, filmmaker, mother, and so much more.

Boxing Dr. Meleeka Clary into just one definition wouldn’t do justice to the impeccable work this woman of passion, compassion, and resilience has done so far in her career and life, raising the bar for others as a filmmaker, a talk show host, a human rights activist, and a mother. Her daughters, Cradeaja Clary, and Meleesha Clary, have graduated with their masters in “Social Work” and “Criminal Justice,” respectively, embodying the principles and values their mother instilled in them.

When asked about her much-talked-about Dr. Meleeka Clary show, this incredible woman highlighted how she found her passion in improving the quality of life of others, while exposing the systematic issues within the judicial system. Her personal journey, the lows and the triumphs, and the achievements of her daughters also underscore her profound positive influence and legacy.

Speaking more on her one-of-its-kind Dr. Meleeka Clary Show, she said it is about empowering minds through positive psychology. Launched in 2023, the show has become a beacon of hope and guidance for many. It focuses on improving the quality of life through positive psychology, offering practical advice on navigating the entertainment industry and the judicial system. Her extensive experience in these areas has made her an authoritative voice who loves providing invaluable insights and support to her audience. Her mission with the show is clear – to empower minds and lives, helping people overcome challenges to achieve personal growth and fulfillment.

Dr. Meleeka Clary, as a filmmaker, has also turned more heads, especially after her recent win at the Luxury Gala, winning the “Best Actress Award” for her romantic-thriller film, “Three Corners of Deception.” She says that the film, “Three Corners of Deception is a poignant narrative, shedding light on the dark side of the legal system. It is the story of a college law professor and attorney who fall in love, marry, and start a family, only to be later entangled in a web of lies, deceit, and manipulation. It is based on my real-life experiences, chronicling my 15-year battle against my ex-husband, Attorney Michael Ghosh, who exploited his connections within the judicial system. This tormenting tale of judicial deception and corruption resonates with many, highlighting the urgent need for reform and accountability.”

Apart from the phenomenal mark Dr. Meleeka Clary has made as a clinical psychologist, filmmaker, and host of her show, she is also known for her tireless advocacy for human rights, particularly focusing on the injustices faced by black women and their children. Her efforts have garnered significant attention, leading to calls for justice and systematic change.

Be it Dr. Meleeka Clary Show, her film Three Corners of Deception, her relentless work as an advocate for human rights, or her role as a mother to her children, Dr. Meleeka Clary has created a legacy of her own by continuously advocating for a better world.


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