People who are interested in Canada for getting job opportunities or expanding their business must get proper guidelines from the best immigration consultants in Saudi Arabia. They should also consider several important questions and conduct proper research on them to understand the work permit visa process.

Canada PR visa

Canada immigration permanent resident visa is a specific type of document that helps applicants to live in Canada in any area with permanent resident status. A candidate who has a Canada PR visa can be eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship after a specific time period. Here are some of the important frequently asked questions about work permit Canada along with relevant answers.

Permanent and temporary residency application

The applicant also has queries about the application criteria for permanent and temporary residency in Canada. The main question arises about the application for permanent and temporary residency at the same time in Canada. The simple answer is yes, as an applicant can surely apply for temporary and permanent residency in Canada at the same time for extending their stay duration in Canada.

Immigration vs. work visa

There is a clear difference between a Canada immigration visa and a work permit to Canada because a work permit makes the individual eligible to stay in Canada for a specific time period while continuing their job in a relevant field. Work permit also has some restrictions for a person. On the other hand, the Canadian immigration visa process is suitable for those who want to move to Canada freely at any place. Immigration visas give the facility of moving and enjoying their favorite places in Canada. Applicant can also be eligible to sponsor his family members and children for their permanent residency in Canada.

How do I apply for a work visa?

This is the most frequently asked question by applicants to understand the complete process of Canada. The work visa process simply includes finding your dream job in Canada. You can get a job in a Canadian company or through employer sponsors. You must be eligible to move to Canada through a work visa by matching specific eligibility criteria. Submit all of your documents to immigration authorities and complete the process of application submission and payment of the visa fee. Wait for a specific time duration, and you will be notified of the further steps of your visa process.

Can I bring my family on a work visa?

Applicants have always dreamed of coming to Canada along with their families to secure the future of their children. The main question that arises in the mind of applicants is bringing their families to Canada on a work visa. Many countries have their own rules and regulations and depend upon the visa type selected by the applicant. If the country allows you to bring your family to Canada on a work visa, then fulfill all the instructions to avoid any inconvenience.


Applicants who are not familiar with the Canada work visa process need proper guidance and consultancy services to clear all the hurdles in their minds. It will be very helpful for them to understand their visa process and Canadian legal instructions to follow while staying in Canada.




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