Interactive Scenting Kiosk

Commonly known as ISK, this latest innovative diffuser is the best answer to all your fragrance diffuser requirements. The demand for fragrance diffusers has increased so much in different corners of India that more manufacturers are working hard to bring in more innovative products to persuade interested customers. Interactive Scenting Kiosk is certainly one of the latest and most innovative fragrance solutions that expert and professional designers have come up with. Leading manufacturers are offering quality ISK for premium customers at a premium rate. This product has brought revolution to the diffuser industry and has widened the scope manifold. Experts consider the use of fragrance diffusers luxurious, especially in terms of Indian economic diversity. However, the launch and innovation of ISK have changed the specific segmentation of customers in terms of economic capabilities. 

What is an interactive scenting kiosk? 

A fragrance diffuser is a familiar term for Indians now. Most people are trying to experience such diffusers these days. However, the term interactive scenting is quite unnatural and brings in a lot of queries. So, let’s break it up and get to the bottom of this innovative concept. An ISK is a diffuser model that has a screen attached to it. So, while diffusing the scent from the machine, it also allows you to look at a screen to choose products that you need and you can experience their features and specialties. 

An Interactive Scenting Kiosk consists of a 43’’ LCD that allows you to browse videos related to different products while the diffuser continues to share its fragrance as and when required within the particular place. You get to experience the particular aroma while watching the screen. This keeps you busy and entertains you at the same time. This innovation has affected the industry quite positively in the recent past. 

How does it work? 

You must wonder how the LCD screen works while the diffuser is in full swing. Here is the answer to all your queries. The model contains two 500ml bottles full of essential oils that are used to diffuse the specific fragrance of your choice. These bottles remain connected to the scent atomizers at the back side of the diffuser. Now, the scent is dispersed over the ISK setup. In simple words, you are busy looking at the screen, and the diffuser is spreading the scent from the top behind. 

An Interactive Scenting Kiosk can provide ten thousand sq ft of coverage from this setup, as the manufacturer has claimed. The system is exclusive because it uses cold air diffusion technology that alters the essential fragrance oil into fine nano particles that ensure better coverage that is more consistent as well. The structure has an aluminium frame that makes it super-flexible for use in any place, both domestically and industrially. 

What are the features of an interactive scenting kiosk? 

When you are getting to know this innovative diffuser, you must know the valuable facts that make the product exclusive. Such models are highly in demand in different service-providing industries compared to personal or domestic use. High-end spas, hotels, resorts, and other places are using the Interactive Scenting Kiosk quite commonly due to its appeal of unfamiliarity. The following are some of the unique features that experts have pointed out about this new diffuser- 

  • The LCD of the interactive scenting diffuser ensures no use of water. Also, the product is heatless which facilitates its use for longer hours without any risk. The waterless feature assures longevity of the LCD for maintaining the attraction. 
  • Most people worry about pets and children in their house when they shop for a suitable diffuser. Innovators have identified specifically this product as safe for both kids and pets in the house or around. 
  • Premium quality Interactive Scenting Kiosk comes with a programmable timer that allows you to set time for the diffuser. The timer has other features as well like the unique operating periods on every side. Maybe you are not familiar with such features too. You should learn them when you invest in such a product. 
  • You must not worry about the double functioning of the diffuser as the scent compartment can be secured separately. The model offers a separate lock for the fragrance part to ensure that the bottles are safe and the scent-diffusing process is not affected. 
  • Another important feature that interests more users in this exclusive product is the residue rate is very low, almost zero. When there is no product waste, you can get the most from your investment. 

All these specialties about the Interactive Scenting Kiosk enlighten you to understand the new product and its effectiveness. You can rely on reliable companies for such innovative products who have experience working in this field for a long time now. You must not take the risk of getting the latest products from companies that are new to the industry. Your decision can risk your health, and you should not get persuaded by marketing messages easily.

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