User Acquisition (UA) is critical for gaming companies, directly impacting revenue and market share in an increasingly competitive landscape. With rising customer acquisition costs, UA managers must continuously optimize campaigns to balance return on ad spend (ROAS) against user lifetime value (LTV), ensuring sustainable growth and profitability. Video ads dominate UA strategies, but their effectiveness varies widely, making rigorous A/B testing crucial for optimizing performance and improving ROAS (return on ad spend). Automating this process enables rapid iteration and data-driven decision-making., a self-serve platform, allows marketers to instantly generate and A/B test diverse video ads using AI actors, streamlining the creation of various styles from gameplay footage to organic content creator-like videos. This post will explore the benefits of automating video ad testing for UA and how Poolday is transforming this critical aspect of mobile game marketing.

The Importance of Video in User Acquisition

Whether through trailers, gameplay footage, or user-generated content, video showcases a game’s unique selling points, creating immediate emotional connections with audiences. For mobile games, where user acquisition costs are soaring, effective video ads can significantly boost conversion rates, with studies showing up to 30% higher click-through rates compared to static ads. However, creating and testing high-quality video content at scale remains a challenge for many game developers and marketers. This has led to a growing demand for automated solutions like Poolday, which offer AI-driven video generation and A/B testing capabilities, enabling gaming companies to rapidly produce, test, and optimize their video marketing efforts for maximum UA impact.

Challenges in Traditional Video Testing

A/B testing in video marketing involves creating multiple variations of a video ad to determine which performs best. Marketers adjust elements like storylines, visuals, calls-to-action, or length, then measure performance using metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, or engagement. While valuable, this process comes with significant hurdles:

  1. Time-Consuming: Creating and editing multiple video versions manually is a lengthy process (i.e., days to week), delaying campaign launches and iterations.
  2. High Costs: Hiring content creators and editors for each variation increases production costs.
  3. Limited Scalability: The effort(i.e., resources) required to produce each video often means fewer variations can be tested.
  4. Slow Feedback: It takes a long time to create videos and gather results, which can lead to outdated insights.

The Benefits of Automating Video Testing

Automating the video testing process can address these challenges and offer several advantages:

  1. Speed: Automation tools can generate multiple video variations quickly, significantly reducing the time required for A/B testing.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: By automating the creation and testing process, companies can cut down on production costs and allocate resources more efficiently.
  3. Scalability: Automation allows for the rapid production of numerous video variations simultaneously, making it easier to run broader campaigns.
  4. Data-Driven Decisions: Automated testing provides immediate insights into performance data, enabling marketers to make informed decisions and quickly adapt to audience preferences.

Introducing Poolday: The Future of Video Testing for UA

Poolday is a revolutionary platform designed to automate video testing for user acquisition. Trusted by many of the top 100 gaming companies worldwide, Poolday offers a self-serve solution that enables marketers to produce and test tens or hundreds of fully edited videos in a matter of minutes.

Key Features of Poolday

  1. AI-Driven Video Generation: Poolday uses hyper-realistic AI actors and custom gameplay recordings to create diverse video variations instantly.
  2. A/B Testing Infrastructure: The platform provides robust A/B testing capabilities, allowing marketers to identify top-performing videos efficiently.
  3. Hook Swapping:Extend the life of top-performing videos with new hooks to keep bypass creative fatigue, and keep content fresh and engaging for audiences.
  4. Localization: Translate successful videos into multiple languages to reach a global audience.
  5. Operational Efficiency: The self-serve platform gives marketing teams full control over video creation and testing, expanding market reach.
  6. Cost Savings: By automating the video production process, Poolday eliminates the need for video editors, content creators, and large production teams.- drastically improving ROI.

How Poolday Transforms UA Strategies

  • Speed to Market: Poolday dramatically accelerates the process from concept to user’s screen. What once took weeks now takes days, enabling marketers to respond swiftly to trends and user preferences.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Poolday empowers marketers to generate and iterate on diverse video concepts rapidly. This ensures a constant stream of fresh, engaging content to meet the demands of today’s fast-paced digital landscape.
  • Global Reach: Localization features enable companies to translate top-performing videos into various languages, maximizing global reach.


Automating video testing is becoming essential in user acquisition, offering speed, efficiency, and data-driven insights. Platforms like Poolday enable marketers to create, test, and optimize video content at scale, enhancing UA strategies significantly. As the digital landscape evolves, embracing these innovative solutions will be key to staying competitive in mobile game marketing. 

Ready to boost your UA strategy?Book a Demo with Poolday today to see how automated video testing can streamline your campaigns and help you find winning ads faster..

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