In the dynamic intersection of technology and art, Jill, an experiential artist and creative technologist, embarks on a profound journey that transcends the conventional boundaries of creativity. Central to her artistic philosophy is a captivating insight from the realm of consciousness – the state of the non-observer.


Jill’s exploration into the non-observer state is deeply rooted in her artistic ethos, a delicate dance between hand-crafting and algorithmic precision. Her work seeks a harmonious convergence of human touch and computational augmentation, challenging the traditional dichotomy between traditional craftsmanship and algorithmic artistry.


Drawing inspiration from the wisdom that “there is a state of timelessness only when there is no observer,” Jill applies this profound principle to her creative process. In the midst of intense pain or overwhelming joy, she transcends the limitations of the ‘I.’ It is in these transformative moments that Jill becomes an integral part of the artistic experience, dissolving the boundaries between the creator and the creation.


In Jill’s artistic odyssey, technology becomes a conduit for breaking free from the confines of self-observation. Her constant tug of war between herself and the machine is not a struggle for dominance but a quest for synergy. By instilling randomness through algorithms in her 3D models or disrupting muscle control while working with pottery through electrical signals, Jill explores the potential of technology to both challenge and elevate her art.


This delicate dance between hand and machine reflects a broader endeavor – a search for a common ground where the tangible and the digital coexist in harmony. Jill’s work is not a rejection of one in favor of the other; instead, it embodies a creative synthesis, embracing any fallacies discovered along the way.


As we delve into Jill’s artistic philosophy, we find echoes of her belief that true artistic expression arises when the observer dissolves. The non-observer state becomes a gateway to a timeless and boundless creative realm, where the self merges with the artistic process. In these transformative moments, Jill discovers a profound connection with the very essence of her art, a connection that goes beyond the limitations of the ‘I.’


In conclusion, Jill’s artistic odyssey into the non-observer state offers a compelling narrative for the future of art in an increasingly mechanized world. Her ability to navigate the intricate balance between hand and machine, coupled with a deep understanding of the non-observer state, propels her work into a realm where creativity transcends boundaries. In Jill’s artistic journey, we witness the emergence of a harmonious and synergistic relationship between the human spirit and technological innovation, pushing the boundaries of what art can truly achieve.




Article Written By – Jill Shah

Location – New York City

Company – Future Colossal

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