Buck vs Boost Converter: Which one is Best to Use?

Buck vs Boost Converter

Voltage regulation and power conversion are typically handled by buck converters and boost converters in power electronics. Choosing the most suitable converter for a specific application requires engineers and designers to understand the differences between these converters. There are many advantages to buck converters and boost converters, so this article focuses on the intricacies of both, highlighting their differences, advantages, and typical uses.

Buck vs Boost Converter: Detail Overview

There are numerous advantages and applications for both buck and boost converters in power electronics. It depends on the specific needs of the application and desired performance criteria whether buck or boost converters are used to step down voltages or boost voltages for renewable energy systems.

What is a Buck Converter?

This is a DC-DC converter that reduces the input voltage to a lower output voltage. Buck converters are also called step-down converters. There are many applications in which voltage regulation is needed, including electronic devices and power supplies.  Buck converters serve the primary purpose of stepping down input voltage to deliver a controlled output voltage.

Operating Principle

Switching a semiconductor device at high frequencies, usually a MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor), is the principle behind a buck converter. During transistor operation, a magnetic field is created by passing current through an inductor. When the transistor is off, the inductor absorbs energy from the input voltage, releasing it to the output load through a diode.


Buck converters are composed of semiconductor switches (MOSFETs), inductors, diodes, and capacitors. A switching transistor’s duty cycle regulates the output voltage by regulating its duty cycle. If the input voltage or load conditions change, the duty cycle can be adjusted to maintain a desired output voltage.


The buck converter provides a reliable and efficient solution for stepping down input voltages in a variety of electronic devices and systems, providing a reliable and efficient solution for voltage regulation and power conversion.

What is a Boost Converter?

As a result of a boost converter, also known as a step-up converter, a higher output voltage is achieved by increasing the input voltage. Power supply applications and electronic devices that require voltage boosting often use boost converters. An electronic component or system requires a boost converter to supply an output voltage that is controlled. If you want to get one boost converter, then you can look find at the Blikai Electronics. It’s one of the best electronics components suppliers all over the world.

Operating Principal

Boost converters operate by switching semiconductor devices at high frequencies, typically MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors). An inductor stores energy when current flows through it when the transistor is turned on. An output voltage is produced when this stored energy is released, through a diode and capacitor, to the output load during the off state of the transistor.


Inductor, diode, capacitor, and semiconductor switch are key components of a boost converter. An inductor stores energy that is transferred to the output load when a transistor is off, resulting in a boost converter. Unlike buck converters, which step down voltage, this converter steps up voltage.


With their reliable and efficient solutions for stepping up input voltages in various electronic devices and systems, boost converters play an essential role in voltage regulation and power conversion.

Buck vs Boost Converter: Advantages and Disadvantages

Buck Converter



  • High Efficiency: High efficiency is a characteristic of buck converters, especially when stepping down voltage. Suitable for battery-powered applications, they are highly energy efficient due to their high efficiency.
  • Simple Circuit Topology: Boost converters are typically more complex than buck converters, leading to fewer components and cost-effective solutions.
  • Reduced Output Ripple Voltage: Electronic components with sensitive components benefit from buck converters as they have a lower ripple voltage than boost converters.
  • Lower Output Voltage: For a wide range of electronic devices that need lower output voltages than input voltages, buck converters are ideal.
  • Commonly Used: Power supplies, automotive systems, and portable electronics are some of the applications for buck converters.




  • Limited to Step-Down Voltage Conversion: Voltage boosters can only boost voltage by stepping down the input voltage to a lower output voltage. Buck converters cannot boost voltage above that level.
  • Voltage Dependency: In order for buck converters to maintain stable output voltage under varying input conditions, they must be designed carefully to account for input voltage fluctuations.
  • Output Current Limitations: In certain high-power applications, buck converters may not be able to deliver high output currents.
  • Output Voltage Drop: buck converters always produce lower output voltages than their input voltages, making them unsuitable for voltage amplifier applications.

Boost Converter



  • Voltage Boosting: For voltage amplification applications, boost converters are ideal because they increase input voltage to a higher output voltage.
  • Versatility: In renewable energy systems, LED lighting, power supplies, and other applications that require voltage boosting, boost converters can be used.
  • Higher Output Power: Boost converters are suitable for high-power applications because they deliver more output power than buck converters do.
  • Input Voltage Flexibility: As boost converters are able to operate efficiently over a wide voltage range, power supplies can be designed with greater flexibility.
  • Commonly Used: A boost converter’s ability to step up voltage efficiently makes it widely used in a variety of industries and applications.




  • Lower Efficiency: The efficiency of boost converters may be a little less than that of buck converters, especially when voltage is stepped up.
  • Complex Circuit Design: There are more components and production costs associated with boost converters than buck converters due to their circuit topology.
  • Output Ripple Voltage: In order to reduce ripple voltage, boost converters may require additional filtering components compared to buck converters.
  • Higher Stress on Components: High voltage and current stresses may be experienced by components in boost converters, lowering their reliability and longevity.
  • Limited to Step-Up Voltage Conversion: Voltage boosting applications are the only ones that can utilize boost converters, since they cannot step down voltage.


Question 1: Which is more efficient: buck or boost?

Answer: As a matter of fact, Buck is more efficient. Inductor and switch rms currents for a given output current are lower, as only a part of this current flows through a diode. You should first boost then buck your voltage if you aren’t sure what source voltage you have or what final voltage you need.


Question 2: Why is MOSFET used in buck converters?

Answer: To control the current flow through the inductor, the buck converter employs a MOSFET on the high side and a diode on the low side. High-side switches can be adjusted to regulate average output voltage proportionally to input voltage by adjusting their duty cycles.

Final Verdict

As a conclusion, understanding the unique characteristics, advantages, and limits of buck and boost converters is critical to selecting the most appropriate converter for a specific application. In spite of their similar functions for voltage regulation and power conversion, both converters operate in significantly different ways.


In voltage reducing applications, Buck converters provide high efficiency and simplicity by stepping down input voltages to lower output voltages. Boost converters, in contrast, offer versatility and flexibility for applications that require boosting voltage from low input voltages to high output voltages.


A buck converter or boost converter is best chosen based on factors such as input/output voltage requirements, energy efficiency, power demands, and cost. Engineers can design efficient and reliable power supply solutions tailored to their specific application needs by carefully evaluating these factors and understanding the trade-offs between the two converter types.

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