Motorcycle accidents are a serious concern in Alaska. They cause severe injuries or fatalities due to the rider’s lack of protection. Many factors contribute to motorcycle accidents, for example, driver negligence and vehicle malfunctions. In this article, you learn about the most frequent causes. If you or someone you know has been involved in a motorcycle accident, you should hire an attorney to help you understand your rights and options for pursuing compensation.

Left-Turning Vehicles

Motorcycle accidents involving vehicles making left turns happen at intersections when a car fails to yield to an oncoming motorcycle or misjudges its speed. The smaller size of motorcycles can make them harder to see, especially in a driver’s blind spot.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 42% of all fatal motorcycle crashes involving another vehicle were caused by the other vehicle turning left while the motorcycle was going straight.

Preventing such accidents requires vigilance from both motorcyclists and drivers. Motorcyclists should be extra cautious at intersections, anticipate potential left turns, and be prepared to take evasive action. Drivers, on the other hand, should always thoroughly check for oncoming motorcycles before initiating a left turn.

Unsafe Lane Changes

Unsafe lane changes pose a significant threat to motorcyclists. When drivers fail to check their blind spots or signals before changing lanes, they risk colliding with a motorcycle rider who might be sharing the same lane or filtering between lanes.

According to the Hurt Report, a landmark study on motorcycle accidents, approximately 10% of motorcycle accidents involve unsafe lane changes by other vehicles.

To mitigate such accidents, both motorcyclists and drivers need to exercise caution. Motorcyclists should avoid lingering in blind spots and be prepared to react if a vehicle starts drifting into their lane. Drivers, on the other hand, must always use their turn signals and double-check their mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is a major contributor to motorcycle accidents, posing a grave danger to all road users. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 25% of fatally injured motorcyclists in 2020 had BACs (blood alcohol concentrations) at or above the legal limit of 0.08%.

Alcohol impairs a driver’s judgment, coordination, and reaction time, making them more likely to cause accidents. Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable in such situations due to their lack of protection.

Preventing drunk driving-related motorcycle accidents requires a multifaceted approach. Stricter law enforcement, public awareness campaigns, and the promotion of designated drivers or ride-sharing services can all contribute to reducing these preventable tragedies.


According to the NHTSA, in 2020, speeding was a contributing factor in 34% of all fatal motorcycle crashes.

Speeding is a significant factor in motorcycle accidents, often leading to devastating consequences. When riders exceed speed limits or drive too fast for road conditions, they reduce their reaction time and increase the severity of potential impacts.

Preventing speeding-related accidents necessitates a combination of individual responsibility and systemic measures. Riders must obey speed limits and adjust their speed based on road and weather conditions. Increased law enforcement and public awareness campaigns can further deter speeding and promote safer riding habits.

After sustaining injuries in a motorcycle accident caused by a speeding driver in Alaska, hire an experienced Alaska motorcycle accident lawyer. They can help you pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages.

Car Doors Opening

Car doors opening unexpectedly can be a startling and dangerous situation for motorcyclists. Often referred to as “dooring,” this type of accident occurs when a parked car’s door is opened into the path of an oncoming motorcycle, giving the rider little time to react.

Although comprehensive statistics on dooring accidents are not readily available, they are a recognized hazard for motorcyclists. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) includes dooring incidents in its broader category of accidents involving parked vehicles.

To prevent dooring accidents, both drivers and passengers in parked cars need to be vigilant. The “Dutch Reach” method, where you open the car door with your far hand, naturally turns your body and allows you to check for oncoming traffic. Motorcyclists should also maintain a safe distance from parked cars and be prepared to react if a door suddenly opens.

Defective Motorcycle Parts

Defective motorcycle parts can lead to catastrophic accidents, often with little warning. Faulty brakes, tires, or other components can malfunction unexpectedly, causing the rider to lose control. These defects can be due to manufacturing errors, improper maintenance, or wear and tear.

The NHTSA does track recalls on defective motorcycle parts, highlighting the potential dangers they pose.

Preventing accidents caused by defective parts involves several strategies. Riders should prioritize regular maintenance and inspections of their motorcycles, ensuring all components are in proper working order. Manufacturers have a responsibility to produce safe and reliable parts. When defects are discovered, they should issue timely recalls and provide necessary repairs.

Motorcycle accidents are a complex issue with various factors. You should seek legal assistance from an experienced Alaska motorcycle accident lawyer. This way you can navigate the legal complexities, protect your rights, and pursue the compensation you deserve.

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