cloud Connect

Ever since people started using cloud computing for their businesses, service delivery has changed for the better. The era of downtime due to the collapse of physical data warehouses, difficulty in flexibility, and security concerns is now phasing away.  

Companies can now use cloud computing services to cut costs while improving their business processes. 

However, one problem still remains when it comes to accessing cloud services. The public internet is vulnerable to any form of interference by unwanted people. Therefore, connecting to cloud services through the public internet can expose companies to certain breaches and complications.  

Hence, it is essential to have a way of connecting to various cloud service providers without worrying about security issues. That is where Cloud Connect Solutions comes in handy. 

Let us dive into the details of how you can improve your business using Cloud Connect Solutions. 

Understanding Cloud Connect Solutions 

Before we can get into details on how Cloud Connect Solutions can improve your business processes, we need to break down the platform.  

As mentioned above, connecting to cloud service providers through the public internet can be unpredictable and risky. Cloud Connect helps reduce risk and predictability by providing stable and secure access to most of the cloud service providers in the market. 

The service helps to provide a stable connection through a private and secure Layer 2 MEF-certified   Ethernet service provided by Epsilon. As the network is dedicated to this sole purpose, experiencing delays and downtime is rare.    

When Is Cloud Connect Required?  

Cloud Connect Solutions has numerous use cases which prove effective in meeting customers’ needs. These include:  

Point-to-Point Cloud Connectivity 

Businesses that want to connect to a cloud service provider directly can use Point-to-Point Cloud Connectivity to make that connection secure. 

You can enjoy these services at a low cost while still meeting the exact needs of your business. The only downside to this method is that you must connect all your different cloud service providers to your data center separately. 

Multi-Cloud Networking

Some businesses that use multiple cloud service providers might want to link them together without bringing multiple connections to their central data center. Such businesses can use Multi-Cloud Networking, part of Epsilon’s cloud connectivity solutions portfolio to make the connection stable and to enhance their control. 

Cloud Connect Solutions uses its routing and networking option to condense the connections to all the service providers to a single link in your data center. 

Hybrid Cloud Connectivity

Migrating to cloud services can be a technical process. Understandably, some businesses might want to maintain their legacy storage options while slowly transitioning into cloud services. If this is you, you might consider using hybrid cloud connectivity to connect your infrastructure. 

The Hybrid Cloud Connectivity feature focuses on providing a secure connection to all your infrastructure. This grants you complete control without compromising access and security during the transition.  

Who Needs Cloud Connect Solutions? 

The simple answer to this question is all businesses need Cloud Connect Solutions. However, specific scenarios your business might be in can make using Cloud Connect Solutions completely necessary. 

First, if your business maintains a hybrid cloud and on-premise infrastructure, then using Cloud Connect Solutions can save you great effort. The platform will help you connect your on-premise infrastructure to the cloud and integrate all platforms. This can be highly beneficial, especially in streamlining records and data across different infrastructures. 

Big data runs a lot of businesses in the modern context. Statistics show that over 2.5 quintillion bytes (a billion) of data are generated each day. You definitely need Cloud Connect Solutions if you are in the big data business. The service will allow you to monitor and analyze your data effectively. 

Finally, if you are concerned about the possibility of data-related disasters affecting your business, then Cloud Connect Solutions will be your saving grace. The platform ensures that data moves securely and reliably across different facets of your organization.  

Therefore, data-related incidents will have a low chance of undermining your business. 

Benefits Of Using Cloud Connect Solutions 

You have probably begun spotting the various benefits of using Cloud Connect Solutions in your business at this point. Let us now consider these benefits in detail. 

Performance And Reduced Latency

Cloud Connect Solutions promises a dedicated network to connect your business to your cloud service provider. This connection is direct and unencumbered, meaning you won’t have to worry about excessive use slowing your connection.  

For businesses that rely on speedy transmission of data, this will definitely be a game changer.  

High Security And Compliance With International Standards

Relying on the public internet for connection is always risky. No one knows who might be lurking out there waiting to explore your vulnerability.  

Cloud Connect Solutions provides you with a secure connection to your cloud service provider. This keeps the integrity of your data and helps you maintain your industry-specific rules on security and data protection. 

Scalability And Flexibility

Every service you get from Cloud Connect Solutions is tailored to the specific needs of your business at the time. However, if your business needs ever change, the bandwidth is flexible enough to scale up or down. This accommodation will help you cover your business needs at the right cost. 

Implementing And Setting Up Cloud Connect Solutions  

Setting up Cloud Connect Solutions is a simple process for any business. All you have to do is set up a call with a specialist and allow them to give more details about the services. If you are a tech-savvy person on your team, you can process solutions without looking for external support. 

The first step is opening an account with the platform. Once you do that, select the cloud service provider you plan on using, then select your port location. Afterward, you can choose the bandwidth you will need, which will affect how much you will have to pay.  

Afterward, select your subscription and terms of payment, and you will be good to go.  

Final Thoughts  

Cloud Connect Solutions is an essential service for businesses that rely on cloud services. With the platform, your business will enjoy a steady and secure connection to all your cloud service providers. Using the platform is also quite simple, provided you follow the instructions you receive when setting up.  

What are you waiting for? Schedule your call with a specialist and link your data centers to Cloud Connect Solutions. 


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