There is growing interest in native plants and their ecological benefits. Climate change, environmental degradation, and diminishing biodiversity are front-and-center issues. If you own a retail nursery or landscape design business, native plants can help you.

With growing awareness of environmental issues comes increased interest in green solutions. These solutions include native plants used effectively in working landscapes. Here are several ways to create interest that results in selling more native plants.

1. Focus on Education and Awareness

One of the keys to increasing demand for native plants is consumer education. Workshops and informational sessions can focus on the unique advantages of planting natives. On-site demonstration gardens can also raise awareness about ecological benefits of native plants.

It’s easy to promote native plants’ benefits like reduced resource needs. Less water and fertilizer usage means lower maintenance and cost savings. Also, native plants are beneficial to wildlife. They attract and support birds, small mammals, and pollinators with food and cover.

Consider collaboration on events with local school groups and organizations. This can help you reach a wider audience and create lasting partnerships.

2. Offer a Vast Plant Selection

It’s crucial to offer your customers locally sourced native plants. These plants will best suit your specific region and climate challenges. Provide a selection of native plants from different natural communities. This will give customers options that solve their landscape challenges. From dry shade to sunny slopes, natives can be landscape heroes. Customers seeking seasonal color or alternatives to traditional turf can also look to natives.

As you learn more, your suggestions will add value to customers’ shopping experiences.

3. Showcase Plants

Colorful, aesthetically interesting displays help customers visualize your plants in their landscapes.  Use signage with key information about unique features and benefits of plants.

Displays can illustrate examples of how to choose native plants for different landscapes. These may include rain gardens, no-mow meadows, shade gardens, or pollinator gardens.

4. Focus on Community Engagement

Consider participating in farmers’ markets and education sessions, or hosting local gardening seminars. These events allow you to engage with potential customers. You can share knowledge and answer questions customers might have about native plants.
You can establish connections with local environmental groups and work together on projects. Increased visibility of your nursery or landscape business can lead to more sales.

Supply Nurseries and Customers with the Best Natives

Increasing the demand for native plants is beneficial for the nursery industry. More important, it contributes to a more sustainable and resilient environment. Through education and community engagement, nurseries can boost demand for native plants. By working together, communities, nurseries, and greenhouses can experience all of the benefits from growing native plants.

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