Dental implants have a long-term success rate of up to 97%. That’s thanks to their ability to osseointegrate. “Osseointegration” is when bone grows into and around biomaterials like titanium implants.

So, unlike other tooth replacement options (e.g., dentures and bridges), implants provide more permanence.

And with advancements in dental implant technologies, the procedure has become even simpler and faster. Keep reading to learn more about these innovations.

Immediate-Loading Implants

The traditional implant process takes several months to complete.

After the surgery, patients must wait for the implants to grow bone in and around them. They would then have to return to their dentist to have the prosthesis (artificial tooth or crown) designed. Creating the crown would take several more days before the dentist can place it.

Patients eligible for immediate-loading implants no longer have to wait that long. Their dentists can place the crown a few days after the implant! In some cases, they may even be able to put the replacement tooth immediately after the surgery.

Full Arch Replacement

Do you have several missing teeth? If so, one of your options is the All-on-Four treatment, which provides arch restorations, according to this dentist in Lakeway, TX. With this, you no longer have to get separate implants for each missing tooth.

The All-on-Four technology lets dentists create full bridges supported by four to six dental implants. They make these arch restorations with acrylic, porcelain, or zirconia implants.

Advanced Imaging

Dentists used to rely on X-rays to plan dental implants. However, these scans aren’t always 100% reliable, as they can sometimes be blurry.

That’s no longer the case today, as 3D imaging has revolutionized oral care. It lets dentists create virtual models of the inside of the mouth. It helps them place implants accurately.

Guided Surgery

Many dentists today now use cone beam CT scans instead of X-rays. These scanners deliver high-resolution 3D images of the jawbone.

Dentists use those scans to create detailed surgical guides for precise implant placement. In doing so, they can reduce the need for extensive incisions. Patients also benefit from this, as they’ll have a more comfortable experience.


CAD stands for computer-aided design. CAM, on the other hand, stands for computer-aided manufacturing. Their combination lets dentists customize implant parts tailored to their patients.

CAD/CAM uses highly advanced and precise computer software. It helps lower the odds of flawed implant design.

As a result, dentists can minimize costly errors when designing implants. Instead, they can make perfect-fitting implants faster.

Patients also benefit from having their implants available sooner. The sooner they get their implants, the sooner they can flash healthier smiles.

Get Your Smile Back With Dental Implant Technologies

All-on-Four, advanced imaging, and CAD/CAM are just a few examples of dental implant technologies. Thanks to them, patients with missing teeth can regain their beautiful smiles sooner and more comfortably.

So, if you have missing teeth, visit a dentist who uses these technologies. With their help, you can say goodbye to a toothless smile and boost your oral health.

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