Guide To Differentiate Between Real and Fake Instagram Engagement

Indeed to point out how much they like what they see. But say an alternative person who says your post is great only because he wants you to share your food. It’s kind of like that with likes on pictures or videos online some likes are from friends who truly like what you shared and some are just because they want something from you. Today we are going to learn to distinguish between genuine and fake likes.

What Are Real Likes?

Real likes are similar to the gold stars a teacher classifies to you when you are up to something smart. They watch Canada YouTube views the videos or look at your photo and express the opinion that it is amazing. These likes are given by the family friends or even new friends who truly wish for you to enjoy that moment. They might even leave a nice comment below or share your post thinking it is cool

What Are Pretend Likes?

Pretend likes are like a sticker that you paste and it does not stick anymore. The likes are really from people who only pressed the like button and might not have even opened the post at all or the post was not even seen by them They may be trying to impress you or want you to return the favor by liking their posts. It is like saying “I like your drawing” without even looking at it.

How Can You Spot Real Likes?

You can tell the likes are real when you notice a thing that your friends too have said some nice words about it or questioned about something. Real likes are usually from people you know or from people with interests alike. You can even tell easily that they saw what you have sent.

Signs Of Pretend Likes

When youre on the lookout for them pretend likes can be as elusive as ever. Nevertheless, we have a clue for you: if someone likes everything too fast or likes all without saying much probably they are not looking well into what they like. It is like nodding yes to everything without thinking.

Why Should You Care About Real And Pretend Likes?

The distinction gives an idea of who truly will enjoy your photos or videos and who might just be pretending. It is very important because real friends are a treasure a real match; they like what you do for good reasons. Pretend likes may be a little bit confusing and might not help you establish real friends.

What To Do If You Get Lots Of Pretend Likes?

If you find you are overwhelmed by lots of pretend likes discuss this problem either with a grownup or an older friend to take things forward. They can give you some ideas. Maybe controlling who can see your posts is an option to have more real friends receiving your posts. Bear in mind its better if the joy of what you share lies exactly in the company of those real friends who are considerate and passionate about you.

How To Feel Good About The Likes You Get

Don’t forget the most important part is not counting likes; it is counting likes from whom. When the like is from your grandma your best friend or a person you dance with simultaneously that gives you the feeling of being wanted and its worth treasuring. Stick to those likes because they are genuine and they come from people who care about you.

What About New Friends?

From time to time, strangers might like something you shared because they have seen something that they like. That’s how friendships start If you see somebody new who likes your posts and they seem nice maybe they could become a new friend. Just like you do it in a school corridor or a park you can engage also in the lives of such individuals who like the same content you do in chat rooms.

Sharing Is Caring

When you share a post because you like it you are not just liking the read deal Show your support to your friends who make or post videos and upload images you find beautiful or fascinating by sharing the content. Showing Facebook likes Canada you cared to read what they had posted. It is like showing off to your friends a leaf or a bug you found outside that you discover to be cool. With sharing you can make someone feel as good as when receiving real likes they can make you feel.

Keeping It Real Online

On the internet the advice is just as valid for offline games – be yourself. If youre for real your likes and comments will be real too. The internet is a decent place just as treating people at school or home with kindness will make them happier. In this way always try to be polite and honest just as you would be with your family and friends.

Learning From Likes

You can learn a lot from the likes you get. For example, if tons of people loved your video of you dancing then perhaps they enjoy seeing you dance This can reveal what your friends like and what brings them fun. The feeling is similar to when you see other kids playing and decide which one is more pleasing to your friends.

It is Okay To Ask

If youre ever confused about why your post is liked or if it seems odd feel free to ask a grownup or a friend about it. Chatting about this may help you comprehend each other better and hence make you feel more secure. In other words, it is like seeking assistance from someone if youre uncertain how to solve a math problem.


Just as sharing your toys with real friends makes playtime more enjoyable sharing your posts with friends who give real likes makes sharing content online become even more meaningful. Next time you post something be on the lookout for such gold star likes that are authentic and they can have a huge impact on you. Don’t forget that both online and offline being a good friend who gives real likes and kind words to others makes everyone happier.

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