Meta Title: Why Engineering Jobs Declined Few Year? Reason And Solution 

Meta Description: Engineering fields are considered one of the most popular fields in India. But Why have Engineering Jobs declined in the past few years? What reason behind it and how to solve it?


Engineering fields are considered one of the most popular fields in India. But nowadays some Engineering graduates are unemployees or doing low-paying jobs Why? 

In this article, we will find the reason behind the decrease in engineering jobs and how to solve this problem for a better future for engineers and India. 

Why do Students Choose Engineering Fields?

It is believed that Engineering has a long tradition of strong demand in the labor market. This means a decent likelihood of getting a job after college, and engineer pay is typically higher. Also, Engineering is widely regarded as a popular and respected profession. Many students choose to go to engineering because of the social standing and recognition it provides.

But in reality, only a few engineers get to dream jobs with a high-paying package after graduating from tire 1 college or IIT/NIT. The rest of the engineers have only 2 options one is preparation for a government job and the other is doing low-paying jobs mostly not related to their fields like BPO, Call center, etc. Accurate Institution and The Economic Times did a survey regarding the Indian engineering education system, see what they find their survey:

According to Accurate Institute research, India’s engineering education slips below worldwide standards. Issues include a lack of trained professors, poor facilities, and an outmoded curriculum that fails to appropriately prepare graduates for industry expectations. 

According to a The Economic Times survey, IT-related companies are reducing their recruitment action, and Global Capacity Centers (GCCs) are going to fall short of 50% of total IT hiring in India.  

Reason: Declining Engineering Jobs

There are several reasons for the decline in engineering jobs in India:

  1. Curriculum Issues: 

In India, the engineering education system may not be met with industrial demands. Outdated courses can reduce fresher graduates’ employment opportunities for the most recent engineering jobs. Indian Education System needs to update itself.

  1. Overproduction of Engineers: 

Every year, India generates a large number of engineering graduates, but demand has not kept up with supply, resulting in a rise in engineers. The Overproduction of Engineers is also the main drawback of declining engineering jobs.

  1. Skills Mismatch: 

There can be a mismatch between the skills provided in engineering institutions and the demands of the industry. Many graduates don’t have hands-on experience and industry-specific skills, which makes them less employable. You can see below the data that shows how many engineers have industry-ready skills. 

  1. AI And Technology:  

Science and Technology eras like Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other technologies have taken the jobs of engineering, especially the types of low-skill jobs that repeated again and again. Technology and science are good for the Indian economy but they decrease employment. 

  1. Shifts in Industry Demand: 

The IT business, which historically employed a huge number of professionals, has seen a shift in employment trends, with a focus on skills over degrees and an attraction for specialized skills. 

Solution: Increase Engineering Jobs

Here are some solutions that help to increase and create more engineering jobs:

  1. Update Curriculum: 

Universities and colleges must update their course to match current technologies and marketplace demands. This could involve applying more hands-on training and projects with theoretical understanding.

  1. Industry Collaboration: 

Improving the collaboration between educational institutions and companies can help students learn the necessary skills. Companies should hire students based on their skills, not their academics. This will increase the chance of employment and placement opportunities.

  1. Support Entrepreneurship: 

Encouraging students to entrepreneurship can create new job opportunities. Engineers can state-create their business ideas that provide support funds and startup funding and contribute to GDP. Sachin Bansal, CEO & Founder of Flipkart, is a graduate of IIT with a degree in Computer Science Engineering and is a good example of a support startup. 

  1. Upskilling Yourself: 

Engineers should be encouraged to constantly refresh their skills through online courses, certificates, and training, such as AI, Machine Learning (ML) Courses, Data Science Certificate, and so on, which can lead to new job opportunities for them. You can learn those skills with free or low-paid platforms like Udemy, Coursera, etc.

  1. Focus on Core Engineering Sectors: 

Focus on core engineering areas such as civil, mechanical, etc engineering by giving them hands-on training projects with many civil and mechanical software like Abaqus Training Online, AutoCAD Software, etc. gives them practical training and they become industry-ready.

  1. Improving Quality Education: 

To check the quality of education in engineering colleges. Focus on professional faculties, updated courses, provided industry-ready hands-on training, Top MNC campus drive, etc. This can help decrease the number of unemployment problems for freshly graduated students.


In this blog, we learn about the unemployment problem rising in India as the role of engineering graduates not getting jobs. We learn about why most parents choose engineering professionals for their children, what is the reason for decline/unemployment, and how we can solve this problem. 

What we can do to deal with this decline/crisis, is educational institutions must change by providing relevant, new-age courses that are demanded by the industrial market. Encouraging students to focus on practical skills can also improve employment opportunities for engineering graduates.

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