Arash Davari Serej’s journey to becoming a digital strategist and social media manager may seem like an unlikely path, but for him, it was a natural evolution that drew upon his unique blend of scientific expertise, creativity, and business acumen.

Born in Iran and educated in Italy, Arash earned a Master of Science degree in Molecular Genetics from the University of Pavia, where he conducted research on the mathematical and computational modeling of cancer growth and tumor evolution in micro-environments. He then started a PhD program in Computational Oncology, Bioinformatics, and Pharmaco-toxicology at Hannover Medical School, but after six months, he realized that he preferred the business world to academia.

Returning to Italy, Arash began working as a senior researcher in a Molecular Neuro-Pharmacology lab, where he focused on cutting-edge research in genetics, RNA sequencing, and computational analysis of genomes in brain diseases. However, he soon realized that his true passion lay in understanding the interconnectedness of the biological world, ranging from the cellular to the societal level, and the ways in which members of communities communicate and respond to each other.

It was this fascination with communication and systems that drew Arash to the world of social media and digital strategy. As a side hustle, he worked in various fields, including tourism, graphic design, web design, and business consulting, and he supported himself entirely through his online work in these areas.

When Clubhouse emerged as a popular platform, Arash became one of its most recognized presenters in just a few weeks. He used this new opportunity to host more than 20 online events, which led to connections with famous Iranian celebrities such as Maz Jobrani, Max Amini, Omid Djalili, Mandana Karimi and Elnaaz Norouzi. Since then, he has worked with them as a social media manager, strategist, digital creator, and consultant, overseeing their digital and social presence, growing their social media pages by more than a couple of hundred thousand followers, and increasing their post views to millions.

Arash’s expertise in digital strategy and social media management is a testament to the power of multidisciplinary thinking and the ability to apply scientific principles to real-world challenges. His background in molecular genetics and neuroscience provides a unique lens through which he approaches problems and solutions, leveraging the power of complex systems and the principles of communication to help individuals and businesses achieve their goals.

In the end, Arash’s journey from molecular genetics to digital strategy underscores the importance of being open to new opportunities and finding one’s passion in unexpected places. By combining his knowledge of science, creativity, and business, he has created a career that is both unique and impactful, and he continues to innovate and inspire in the fast-paced world of social media and digital strategy.

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