First impression is the last impression and hence most people decorate their Drawing Rooms with utmost precision. The first thing that comes to one’s mind to decorate their drawing room is with flowers and sceneries. The sceneries enhance the beauty of the walls, on the other hand flowers are a muse towards love. With apt decorations a room gets a lift in its outlook.

There are many ways a drawing room can be decorated, and we shall discuss them here. Do it yourself or ready made items, it all depends upon the look that you require.

1. Add lighting in one corner: Lights create a certain positivity in the room. It is a good idea to highlight one corner of the drawing with lights. These lights can be hanging or could be fixed. This will illuminate the room such that it will enhance one corner. This corner can be further decorated with personalized photographs of the family and added with a set of dried colorful flowers. This can become the picture corner too where you and your family can take numerous pictures with a wonderfully lightened part of the drawing room.

2. Adding a small table with a bunch of flowers: A small golden or curvy table can also do the trick. Anything can be added on top of the table which will make the drawing room beautiful. Every time when there is an event at home, someone’s birthday, anniversary, welcome party or just a social gathering, this table can be decorated by adding fresh flowers in a vase, or high quality artificial flowers.  Sometimes the flowers are available online that are placed in the vase. This too can be ordered where the vase will invariably remain even when the flowers dry up.

3. Tiling the walls: Changing the color of the walls is an added way of completely changing the drawing room. This will rather be an expensive way of decoration; however, will also be a prolonged way. You may remove the paint and add lovely hues of tiles that beautify the room. Tiles are available in various print that has flowers on it and make the colors of the room colorful. Tiles may also make the room look spacious if chosen correctly. A small room can be made to look spacious when water and light-colored tiles are added. Similarly, a contrasting decor can be added to further highlight the drawing room.

4. Creating a corner with Aquatic animals: A small corner in the drawing room where an aquarium is placed can also strengthen the look of the drawing room. You may also order flowers from any online florist in India and place them on either side of the aquarium to make the corner look even more pretty. Adding bright color flowers on the either side of the lively aquatic creatures will attract everyone to that corner and will make everyone ask you how you have done this. This will make you feel proud and happy and you will be encouraged to do more to increase the prettiness of the drawing room.

The drawing is an integral part of the house as everyone who enters the house first look at this room. Therefore, your efforts to decorate the room are righteous. Upon hearing a compliment from a visitor about the drawing, you will feel delighted and may take a plunge to continue decorating it in different colors and styles so as to keep away from the monotony. Ordering flowers is one of the perfect ways to keep away from the monotony and the drawing room will always be fragrant and colorful.

Posted in DIY

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