Nowadays, not only free but free WiFi hotspots are available in countless places like hotels, restaurant, malls, libraries, airports and numerous municipal buildings. Moreover, if you are a business traveler who needs a reliable network that could always available to have access on the Internet then public hotspot will not be the solution to your network needs. Coming to it is the local web address used for setting up your Netgear range extender safely and securely.
Note: It is strictly recommended that during such range extender setup via mywifiext you are supposed to disable the public hotspot as well as the meddling of those devices that consist of the same frequency as of router. Yes, they do create disaster in the field of any setup and Internet usage.
But before anything else, you are supposed to set your router free into an open and airy room. You might be thinking that why router came in the conversation? Well, this existing device (router) plays an important role in your as well as in the life of networking. Without the presence of it, you cannot make any installation as well as mywifiext login possible. The live Internet connection coming from the main device, transmit its signal to the extender and contribute its hand in accessing and remove error issues that is completely safe and secure.
If you often travel it is better that you take along your own hotspot than to connect it to the public one and follow the hotspot security concerns. While login to Mywifiext. follow the small step of default username and password .
Whenever you like to connect your Internet in public, you might have the risk of hacking no matter you are using a secured tablet, smartphone, laptop, or a computer. Do you know the fact that you may bump into travelers you didn’t even aware of and the hackers can hack your network and have full access on it when you are using your device in a public place? Strange but true.
So we would like suggesting you that never share any personal data or file in a public place because you never know that unwanted sources are about to tress-pass your device and network without your acquiescence. It can also create a big disaster into the data plan and you will never notice when you have crossed the limit of your data plan. Now, you want to do everything to prevent your data and device from the attack of unidentified people.
Here’s is the solution to support the security on your hotspot
- Enable Strong Encryption on Your Hotspot
In today’s world, the new transportable hotspots come with the latest security that is turned by default. Habitually, the manufacturer itself enables the WPA-PSK security and locates it on a sticker on the back of the device or in the manual steps with the default SSID and the network key. Sometimes the main problem with most default portable hotspot security setup is that its default encryption may be set as an outdated standard and might not have the least secure form of enable encryption.
So in such cases, we would strictly recommend our users to enable WPA2 security and create their own strong and secure encryption type. The password created by the user should be enough strong and of digit, numbers, alphabet that would be of more than 12 words. The reason not working is caused by the interference of unrevealed and mysterious sources.
- Change the SSID of your Hotspot
Another security measure that you can take to secure your personal hotspot is the changing the default SSID, wireless hotspot network name to something casual and also avoiding of the dictionary words. The reason of changing the SSID is only that we should keep the environment hack free because anonymous people have precomputed mix up tables for the pre-shared keys that consist of more than 1000 common SSIDs against 1 million universal pass-phrases that are known as the topmost network name and keywords.
Such type of trap is not inadequate to those networks, which are WEP-based. All the unrevealed people are making use of rainbow table attacks that are successfully against WPA and WPA2 and also to the secured networks. Such consequences are the main reason behind ‘cannot open’.
- Enable Hotspot’s Port-Filtering and Blocking Features
Some hotspots give you the feature to permit port filtering as the security means. You can also prevent the access to FTP, HTTP, email traffic, etc. immobilize all the unnecessary ports and services on your WiFi hotspot reduces the number of menace vectors that finds a path to enter and exit of your network used, which are accessed by attackers and hackers and also reduce all the risk that threats you and your security.
Never share your password with anyone. If you have number of friends and relatives that often visit you and such situation force you to share the password with them. In such cases, we would recommend you to change the password timely in order to avoid mishap.