In rugby, yellow and red cards are disciplinary measures used to maintain fair play and player safety during a match. Make your best online bet from 1xBet, where it is also possible to wager on whether a player will be shown a card too.


These cards are vital tools for referees to enforce the rules and ensure that players adhere to the laws of the game.


Let’s begin with yellow cards. They are shown when a player commits a serious infringement or repeatedly breaches the rules. When making your best online bet from the 1xBet platform, there are also chances to wager on whether a player will see a card too.


Here the referee can issue a yellow card, which results in the player being temporarily sent off the field for a specified period. The standard sanction for a yellow card is 10 minutes in the sin bin. During this time, the offending team must play with 1 fewer player, creating an advantage for the opponent.

A punishment for more serious offenses

A red card is a more severe disciplinary action. The sports on 1xBet live stream section can also be used to watch when a player is sent off too.


It’s given when a player commits a high-level offense. Some examples include:


  • dangerous tackles;
  • striking an opponent;
  • or repeated foul play.


When a player receives a red card, they’re sent off for the remainder of the match, and their team must play with only 14 players for the rest of the game. You can watch sports on the 1xBet live stream section, where the best rugby players can also be followed and wagered.

A few statistics

Statistics surrounding yellow and red cards in rugby are crucial indicators of player discipline and the impact of these sanctions on the game. In international rugby tournaments, such as the Rugby World Cup, the average number of yellow cards per match can range from 0.2 to 0.6, depending on the year and the style of play. You are invited to make all virtual sports betting – 1xBet also features wagers on rugby cards too.


While red cards are less frequent than yellow cards, they can significantly impact a match, leading to a team playing with a numerical disadvantage for an extended period. In the Rugby World Cup, for instance, the average number of red cards per tournament varies but is generally below 0.1.


Rugby authorities emphasize player welfare and fair competition, and the use of cards helps maintain these principles. Over time, the introduction of yellow and red cards has contributed to reducing dangerous tackles and reckless play, as players understand the consequences of their actions. At 1xBet there is all virtual sports betting, where virtual counterparts of rugby matches are available too.

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