Skin After Laser Hair Removal

You can never go wrong with laser hair removal if you are looking for long lasting hair removal results. There is one thing that we should all remember that laser hair removal is a treatment and like any treatment, there are some after care instructions that need to be followed to get the best results and to minimize irritation.

Here’s what most of laser technicians recommend memorizing and to do to pamper your skin after a laser hair removal treatment:

Soothe and Cool

  • Ice it: Immediately after treatment, redness and swelling are common. Apply a cool compress or a wrapped ice pack for short intervals to reduce discomfort.

Stay Hydrated

  • Drink Up: Amp up your water intake to keep your skin hydrated from within. This promotes healing and maintains your skin’s natural balance.
  • Moisturize: Laser treatments can dry out your skin. Use a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer to replenish lost moisture and soothe irritation. Ask your technician for specific product recommendations.

Sun Safety is a Must

  • Shield Yourself: Your skin will be extra sensitive to the sun after laser hair removal. Avoid direct sun exposure for at least two weeks following treatment.
  • Sunscreen Every Day: Once the two weeks are up, make sunscreen your new BFF. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher daily to protect your treated skin.

Gentle Does It

  • Cleanse with Care: For the first 24-48 hours, avoid harsh soaps and cleansers. Opt for lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser to keep the treated area clean.
  • No Picking or Shaving: The treated hair follicles are undergoing a process. Avoid scratching, picking, shaving, or waxing the treated area. Let the hair shed naturally.
  • Friction is a Foe: Wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid irritating the treated area for at least 48 hours.

Extra TLC Tips

  • Skip the Scrub: Hold off on exfoliating scrubs for at least a week after treatment. Once you resume exfoliation, be gentle.
  • Heat is Off Limits: For the first week, avoid hot showers, baths, saunas, and steam rooms. These can irritate your freshly treated skin.

After care treatments are an important part of your laser hair removal journey, but another important fact to remember is to stay consistent with each laser treatment and complete your entire package for the best results possible. 

It takes discipline, but it’s worth it. Laser has some pretreatment care instructions that you usually find out about when you have your price consultation. Laser treatments are similar to electrolysis hair removal in terms of pre and after care instructions. It’s a noninvasive method but requires pre and post care.

Laser vs. Electrolysis Hair Removal

We mentioned electrolysis above and it’s possible that you are now asking yourself what the difference is between the two. Well, the simplest way to explain is to say that laser hair removal removes hair with light, when electrolysis hair removal is to pick your hair one by one with a thin needle and to remove it permanently. Electrolysis hurts more and treatments take longer but the results are permanent. Laser is a temporary solution.

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