The car you drive is often a substantial investment. You might pay thousands of pounds to buy the vehicle in the first place, and then thousands more in insurance, fuel and repairs over the vehicle’s lifespan. If you’re leasing, the figures involved are often just as significant.
Maintenance is essential if you want to get the best from your vehicle in the long term. This maintenance can be expensive – but usually, only when you’re repairing significant damage after it’s been allowed to happen. If you’re proactive in your maintenance, on the other hand, things can often be a great deal more cost-effective.
How Regular Vehicle Maintenance Saves You Money
Let’s take a look at some of the ways that proactive, regular maintenance can leave you better off in the long term.
Early detection of problems
If you regularly take a look at the engine, and you’re familiar with the way it works, then you’re likely to notice new, minor faults before they have a chance to deteriorate and become expensive.
For this reason, the cost of regular services tends to be offset by the benefits, particularly if you’re putting in hundreds, or even thousands of miles each month.
Greater efficiency
When engines are regularly tuned, they tend to run more efficiently. You might get results by changing your oil regularly, or even changing the car’s tyres. When tyres are in good condition, they will efficiently transfer the energy generated by your engine into the road. Superior traction means superior fuel economy.
For the same reason, it’s worth regularly inflating your tyres, too. You’ll be able to spot punctures much more easily when you do this, and you’ll get more miles to the gallon, too.
Extended lifespan
By looking after the car we’re driving, we can delay the point at which we’ll need to replace it. While running costs might represent a substantial chunk of our overall spending on a given vehicle, the cost of the vehicle itself is still substantial. The more life we can get from a given car, the less we’ll have to spend in the long term.
A car can be an enormously expensive thing, especially if we haven’t looked after it properly. While caring for a car might involve investing time and money in the short-term, these costs can be managed, especially if you’re in the habit of periodically checking your car, and you’re familiar enough with its workings that you can spot when something is different.
Perform a few spot-checks before you set out on any journey, and pay attention to the driving experience, too. It might be that you can catch a given problem before it has a chance to become expensive.