Co-working spaces or trend known as shared offices are gaining more popularity in today’s competitive business world in Calgary. They bring both flexibility and utilization at lower costs and without the necessity of long-term contracts for renting an office. But the selection decision of what shared office space is a strategic move of your business. Below is an outline which will assist in sorting out the choices and choosing the suitable co-working space for your Calgary business.

 1. Define Your Business Requirements

 Generally, it can be said that before beginning the search for co-working spaces in Calgary, you need to determine your company’s requirements. Think about the number of employees in your team, the nature of your business and whether there are any special needs like having access to boardroom, offices for individual employees, or fiber optic connectivity. Decide whether it is required to have an open space, that is expandible in order to allow for growth or if the set-up required is a fixed one that required for the current situation.

 2. Location, Location, Location

 The location of the co-working facility that you choose can affect your operations and your workers’ satisfaction levels. As much as possible search for a place where most of your team members are and preferably one which is close to your clientele base. In Calgary some of the factors may include the area the building is situated in relation to public transportation, amount of parking space, and type of businesses around. A strategic location in a busy network may be advantageous for your business as it gets a lot of traffic.

 3. Evaluate the Amenities

 Co-working areas can include a number of facilities and the following suggestions are aimed at helping you get more from your business. When evaluating potential options in Calgary, check for essential amenities such as:

 High-Speed Internet: Accessing the internet is very essential in today’s business world. Make sure that the opportunity to have effective connection of the internet or at least fast one is provided in the building which shall include the shared office space.

 Meeting Rooms: If your company’s activities involve organizing meetings with clients or other partners, you may need to access conference and/or meeting rooms.

 Kitchen Facilities: A good kitchens setup is also benefit on the conveniences of the places especially when your team is on a tight working schedule.

 Reception Services: Some of the co-working spaces offer answering services for phone calls as well as receiving guests, thus can give your establishment a business-like image.

 4. Consider Flexibility and Scalability

 The flexibility of shared office space is a kind of the essential benefits which can be got by using this kind of property. Selection of offices should be made based on the level of flexibility since many offices will expand depending on the growth of the business. The chance of changing the size of the leased office space, or its location together with other compensations can be very important for the changes your company might experience.

 5. Climate Analysis

 This could be influenced by the environment and culture of the shared office space and could either post, or can hinder the operations of your business and the morale of your employees. Go around the areas of interest to ensure one gets a feel of the setting and compound and types of businesses that are likely to erect their premises. The right environment will work well with the company’s culture and hence promote productivity and effective performance.

 6. The Cost and the Contract Terms

 As a form of flexible working space, shared offices come with a lucrative financial appeal but any occupant needs to be careful with the cost standardization and the contractual provisions therein. Determine the price ranges between various options as well as extra charges that may be required on details services provided. Know the details about the contractual period throughout which the property will be rented out, the periods of notice the parties have to provide to each other to end the contract, and damages that the constituent violating the agreement is entitled to in case of early termination of the contract. Ensure that the prices you set are in agreement with the amount you stand willing to spend so as to get good value to the price paid for the amenities.

 7. Have you ensured for Security and Privacy

 Security and privacy are concern that one has to take into account when deciding which shared office space to join. There should be good security measures like CCTV cameras, proper locks of rooms and clean environment in the facility. If your business collects, processes, or stores any sensitive data, check whether the office shares give proper privacy considerations to your information and keep your data and secrets safe.

 8. Seek Recommendations and Reviews

 Before drawing the final decision, try to seek advice from other business persons or people you know who had undertaken a similar endeavour of getting an office space in Calgary. Word of mouth in form of online review and testimonials can also give the visitor a vivid account of the quality of the space as well as quality service delivered by the management of the space.


Selecting the right shared office space Calgary require time and effort with major aspects like your requirement, location, services and facilities, flexibility and price into consideration. They can adapt good definitions and product criteria to qualify options that meet your requirements, eliminate options that do not fit your needs, seek referrals and apply the weighted evaluation method to arrive at a shared office space that can augment your business’s functions and promote growth. Therefore, you have the advantage of a professional working environment, economical solutions and the ability to recover or modify the layout to correspond to your expanding enterprise needs.

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