Have you ever wondered what the filthiest thing in your toilet is? You might not know, but I do — it is your plunger.

We often use plungers to unclog drains, but have you ever thought about cleaning that helpful tool afterwards? If you have had to unclog a toilet recently, you know how important—and nasty—your plunger can get. It is an important tool in the bathroom, yet it can harbor a lot of bacteria and germs if not cleaned properly.

Knowing how to properly clean and store your plunger after each use is important for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in your home. Storing and cleaning your plunger may not be the first thing on your mind, but preventing the spread of bacteria is the one.

Are you wondering how to clean a toilet plunger effectively? You are in the right place. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about keeping your plunger clean and your home sanitary.

Why is it Important to Clean the Bathroom Plunger?

You keep the rest of your bathroom clean and healthy, right? So why does your toilet plunger get a pass for being a bonanza of E. coli, salmonella, and other bathroom germs? The toilet plunger does a dirty job—that is why we need a proper method for storing and cleaning it. 

We usually unclog a toilet without a plunger, but having one makes the process much easier. But when people once unclog the toilet, they usually wash the plunger, let it dry, and then put it away. But that is not the best thing to do.

Sure, it will dry off, but it won’t effectively clean the plunger, which has most likely come into contact with some nasty stuff. Properly storing and cleaning your plunger after each use is essential for maintaining a hygienic bathroom. Neglecting this step can lead to the spread of harmful bacteria throughout your home. Take an extra minute to properly clean and store your plunger, and you can ensure a healthier environment for you and your family.

How to Clean your Toilet Plunger?

We will be sharing different methods for toilet cleaning. 

1- Simple Way of Plunger cleaning

This is the simplest method you can apply for plunger cleaning.

List of necessary cleaning supplies:

  • Rubber gloves
  • Disinfectant cleaner or bleach
  • Bucket
  • Hot water
  • An old toothbrush or scrub brush
  • Paper towels or clean cloth

How to Do it:

  • Put on rubber gloves for protection and rinse the plunger
  • Fill a bucket with hot water and add disinfectant cleaner or bleach.
  • Soak the plunger in the solution for 20 – 30 minutes.
  • Use an old toothbrush to scrub the plunger.
  • Rinse the plunger thoroughly under hot water.
  • Set it in the air to dry completely before storing it away.

2- The Traditional way of Plunger cleaning 

This is the traditional method way to sanitizing your dirty plunger.

What you will need:

  • Rubber gloves
  • Liquid chlorine bleach
  • Hot water
  • Paper towels or clean cloth

How to do it:

  • Pour 2 to 3 caps of bleach into your toilet.
  • Vigorously swirl the plunger in the bleached water.
  • Flush the toilet and clean the plunger in the freshwater
  • Let the clean plunger dry and put it away. 

3- The organic way of Plunger cleaning

You do not need any disinfectant or bleach for this method. Only apple cider vinegar will help you in this process.

What you will need:

  • Rubber gloves
  • 5% apple cider vinegar
  • Hot water
  • Paper towels or clean cloth

How to do it:

  • Pour a large quantity of apple cider vinegar to match the water.
  • Soak and swirl your dirty toilet plunger in the water.
  • Flush the toilet and clean the plunger with fresh water.
  • Let the plunger dry and store it in a clean place. 

4- The Quick way of plunger cleaning

This is the quick method of plunger cleaning.

What you will need:

  • Rubber gloves
  • Aerosol disinfectant
  • A plastic grocery bag
  • Paper towels or clean cloth

How to do it:

  • Quarantine the used plunger in the plastic bag until it dries.
  • When dry, spry down every inch of the toilet plunger with disinfectant
  • Store your newly disinfectant toilet plunger properly.

Tips for Maintaining a Clean Plunger

  • Regular Maintenance: Always clean your plunger after every use. This helps to prevent bacteria build-up and ensures that the plunger remains sanitary and ready for the next time you need it. Regular cleaning can also extend the lifespan of your plunger.
  • Proper Storage: Store the plunger in a well-ventilated area. This ensures it dries entirely and reduces the risk of mold and bacteria growth. A damp plunger can become a breeding ground for harmful germs, so proper drying is essential.
  • Use a Plunger Holder: Invest in a plunger holder with ventilation holes. This keeps the plunger off the floor and allows it to dry more effectively. A good plunger holder helps with drying and keeps your bathroom organized and neat.
  • Label Cleaning Supplies: Keep your cleaning supplies organized and labeled. This helps avoid cross-contamination with other household cleaning tools. For instance, you do not want to accidentally use a brush that cleans the plunger to clean your kitchen sink. Clear labeling ensures each tool is used for its intended purpose to maintain overall household hygiene.

Wrap up!

Cleaning and storing your plunger correctly is essential for maintaining a hygienic bathroom. Sure, you appreciate your toilet plunger, but you do not want to look at it, much less have to touch it when it is dirty.

Adopting regular cleaning habits can prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and keep your bathroom clean and safe. After each use, taking a few extra minutes to clean and store your plunger ensures it is ready for action when needed and helps maintain a healthier home environment. Make plunger cleaning a routine part of your bathroom maintenance to enjoy peace of mind and a cleaner home.

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