Back in the day, if I lost my car key, I could just pay for a cheap cut-and-copy from a hardware store; Those days have since become a relic of the past, like dialing seven-digit phone numbers and dial-up internet. Today’s cars either use a push-button startup, keyless entry, or both. While these modern key fobs have a lot of merits, the topic of how to replace key fob for a modern car, if it gets lost or shattered, can be pricy. To better grasp methods of how to replace key fob, I have provided several options below.


The very first step with any car issue is to check your warranty and insurance. Sometimes the cost to recover or replace the key is wrapped into coverage. You can also sometimes get key-fob insurance from an extended warranty or a new-car dealer.

The Dealer

Since the last time I lost my car key was with a 2021 model, and I didn’t have fob insurance in any of my plans, I knew that visiting the dealer was my best shot at a replacement. This is because there is some very costly programming equipment for fobs that dealerships offer the best access to. If your car is less than five years old, consider visiting the dealership.

While you might think of buying a cheaper key fob online, some brands, like Audi and Subaru, do not deal with aftermarket fobs. Furthermore, some fobs have security chips that prevent reprogramming. Other dealerships may be willing to deal with aftermarket fobs, so long as the customer knows the risks (parts/labor can’t be warrantied and if programming fails, labor is still charged). The good news is that getting a replacement can easily be done in under an hour and at only a modest cost.

Regardless of brand, most customer-programmable fobs need two current, operation keys to program a third key to ignore the dealership.

Low-Cost Option

If your car is a decade or older, aftermarket fobs are viable since they are not that advanced and anyone familiar with them can handle the programming. Just be sure to call your garage to be sure they can handle things; each shop’s equipment may be different.

The Locksmith

A locksmith can help you save a lot of time and money. Their mobility also means that they can come to you and your “stranded” car. Again, effectiveness depends on whether or not the locksmith has access to the specific programming equipment; chances are good that the older your car, the better your odds are of being taken care of.

Replace the Shell

Sometimes you have a fob but its shell has been damaged or the buttons have worn down. In this case, you can extract the fob’s internals and relocate them to a new shell with just a thin-blade screwdriver and less than five minutes.


  • Always have two keys/fobs.
  • Check your insurance, warranty, and policies.
  • Check the fine print of your car’s instructions regarding self-programming the fob before buying an aftermarket fob.
  • Always look into mechanics or locksmiths before visiting the dealer, especially if your car exceeds five years of age.

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