Crowdfunding Campaign

The fast spread of COVID-19 disease all over the world has massively impacted the operations of businesses in many countries. And it will keep impacting those countries economically and financially. Also, the COVID-19 disease has affected billions of lives globally. And due to its fast spread, many countries have closed down the public places and shops and advised people to stay at home. Many people lost their jobs and many poor people and daily wagers need help for their survival.

Therefore, many big companies and businesses have risen to help the needy to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. And to help them, funds are being collected through various crowdfunding campaigns. All these funds will be used to provide food, health care and medical supply and shelters to homeless people.

Seeing all this, you also want to do good things to support and help people in need by starting your own crowdfunding website. But you have no idea where to start? Well, we are here to guide you through this even if you are completely new. Also, it will help eCommerce brands, new or old, to plan their crowdfunding journey. Moreover, any online company can take part and learn from this article on how to start a crowdfunding campaign to provide COVID-19 help?

How to Start a Crowdfunding Campaign for COVID-19 Help?

Starting a crowdfunding campaign is not rocket science or anything. There are a few simple steps that you have to follow and get your crowdfunding campaign on the tracks. Below we have listed things that you should do to start and make your crowdfunding campaign for COVID-19 affected people a successful one.

  1. Choose the Right Platform

Choosing the right platform is the key to start a successful crowdfunding campaign to help COVID-19 affected people. If you are an existing eCommerce owner, then it might be easy for you to start. Because you already have a team of your own that can plan and make your campaign a success. You may have to use some plugins or modules available out in the market that helps you to achieve your crowdfunding goals.

If you are new to this, then you can choose any of the platforms you prefer. Do your research a bit and get to know the pros and cons of each platform and choose the one that best suits your needs. In our experience, Magento is one of the best platforms to build a crowdfunding campaign website. Also, later once all of this is over, then you can transform it into a well functioning eCommerce website. If for some reasons you don’t prefer Magento, then you can go with Shopify, WooCommerce, or PrestaShop as well. All these have similar functionality to support your crowdfunding campaign. And later, you can turn it into an eCommerce website easily.

  1. Set a Goal for Funding

Get an idea of how many people you can help around your city, state or country. How much fund is required to help them? Also, how much fund you think you can get in a matter of days. Because the people need help as soon as possible. So it would be better for you to get as many funds as you can from the start. Get a realistic number and make it as a goal for your funding. But keep in mind that you may not get what you have expected.

Therefore, you have to help them with what you have got from your crowdfunding campaign. Another thing you can do is to promote your crowdfunding campaign on different channels available to get as much as funding. And to do that follow the next step.

  1. Promote Your Crowdfunding Campaign

There are many platforms other than your website where you can promote your crowdfunding campaign. And social media is a big influence that can help you to get as much as funding you require. You can use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, or Pinterest to make people aware of your campaign. Instagram has become so popular among all demographic people. Therefore, integrate Instagram with your Magento 2 store, which can do the work for you.

It will drive interested people to your website to make donations. Make yourself aware of a few tactics that you can use to promote your crowdfunding campaign more effectively for COVID-19. Show people what your aim is and how you would be spending the funding they may donate. Doing so has a big chance of getting more donations.

You can also get in touch with other bloggers, influencers, and media partners to promote your campaign. And doing live events can draw people who want to really help the COVID-19 affected people, which increases the chances of more funding for your COVID-19 campaign. Leverage any other marketing channel you think can be helpful. But remember that 100% commitment is required from your side and you should do this as your full-time job. Never backout from your responsibility.

  1. Reward the Donors

Many people will support your cause for helping COVID-19 affected people. But it’s always great to reward your donators. Of course, it can’t be money but something that your supporters will feel good about. Maybe a coupon or deal for your existing eCommerce store is a good idea. Send them a notification stating their help toward the great cause. Also, you can ask them to promote your crowdfunding campaign to get more donors. And all of this will be a win-win situation for you. So, rewarding your supporters is a great step for the success of your crowdfunding.

  1. Fulfill Your Promises

Just reaching your funding goals doesn’t mean your crowdfunding campaign is over. Remember what you have promised to your COVID-19 supporters. And once you have enough funding, start to fulfill those promises. Because your crowdfunding campaign is only successful when you have completed or fulfilled all your promises which are to help COVID-19 affected people. Those people are primarily important for your campaign. And once you show the world that you care about them, then your supporters may get inspired and donate more if it pleases them.

  1. Update Your Supporters about Your Campaign

Notify your supporters about the success of your crowdfunding project. Give them an idea of how many people your campaign was able to help. Share updates with them to keep them hooked with your crowdfunding project. Because if you won’t do it, then you will lose their interest from your campaign to help COVID-19 affected people.

You can notify them via online SMS or through WhatsApp.

You can integrate tools with your platform that helps you to do that. If you have chosen Magento 2 platform for your crowdfunding campaign, then we recommend integrating the WhatsApp notification tool with which you can easily provide updates.

Final Words

There are many people who will decide to step forward and provide a helping hand for the COVID-19 affected section of society. And you should be one of them that helps the nation to fight against the fatal COVID-19 disease. If you have strong will power to do so, then nothing can stop you from helping those affected people. Even the government and other bodies will come up with initiatives to help your cause further. So, believe in your cause and believe in serving other people. Because often in these hard times we realize that we are all in this together.


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