How to Train Staff on Using Property Management Systems


It is crucial to train your staff to use short term property rental software for the smooth running of the property management business. Below is a simple process that you can follow to train your team on the use of PMS in an efficient manner.

Tips to Train Staff on PMS

Realizing the Need for Training

Effective training helps to make sure all the employees are in harmony and can fully exploit the short term property rental software. Qualified employees can manage the operations effectively, minimize mistakes, and even improve the clients’ experience. Training also increases the morale of the employees and their satisfaction levels, thus improving the retention rates and productivity.

Define Training Objectives

The first step is to identify specific goals for the training. What specific goals do you wish your staff to accomplish at the end of the training? It might include the fundamental concepts of the software, bookings management, financial operations, and report generation. The goals are useful in maintaining the focus of the training and in making the outcomes measurable.

Formulate a training plan 

Develop a training schedule that encompasses all the aspects that are relevant to the short term property rental software. This plan should include:


  • Introduction to the Software: Description of the software’s functions and advantages.
  • Navigation and User Interface: Knowing how to get around and knowing how to use the interface.
  • Booking Management: How to handle bookings, arrivals and departures.
  • Financial Management: To pay for goods and services, to issue bills and to monitor expenditures.
  • Reporting: Preparation of reports to track performance and analysis of the reports.


Use Multiple Training Methods

It is important to use a variety of training methods because different employees have different learning styles. Consider the following approaches:


  • On-the-Job Training: It is suggested that new employees should follow around experienced employees in order to learn how things are done.
  • Classroom Training: It is also possible to conduct in-person or virtual classes to ensure that the students are following a proper learning plan.
  • Online Courses and Webinars: Use online platforms and webinars for the possibility of flexible learning.
  • Interactive Tutorials: Include software simulations and interactive tutorials to give practice in the actual environment.

Make Use of Internal and External Assets

Organizational resources like the experienced employees can be very good trainers. Also, most software providers provide manuals, videos, and live support to enhance the understanding of their software. The internal and external resources’ use provides extensive training coverage.

Create Training Materials

Create simple training materials like user manuals, flowcharts, and reference sheets. They can be used as reference materials for the employees before, during and after the training sessions. Make sure that these materials are easily understandable, brief, and easily retrievable.

Schedule Regular Training Sessions

Training should not be a one off affair. Organize staff meetings at least once a month to educate the employees about new features and how to use them. They also provide a way to reinforce the learning and also to give a way to practice continually.

Assess and Oversee Training Execution

Monitor the performance of the employees before, during and after the training programs. In order to assess their knowledge and efficiency regarding the software, one can use quizzes, practical assignments, and feedback questionnaires. Supervisory observation enables one to detect where more practice may be required to achieve the set goals.

Provide Ongoing Support

However, the training does not end with the first session, follow-up is also important. Implement a procedure that allows the employees to ask for assistance when facing challenges or have queries. This support can be provided through:This support can be provided through:


  • Help Desks: Organize a help desk that will be able to provide help as soon as possible.
  • Mentorship Programs: New employees should be assigned to work with their mentors.
  • Regular Q&A Sessions: It is recommended to have frequent meetings in order to discuss any issues arising.

Feedback and Improvement

Promote the employees’ feedback regarding the training process and the software used. This feedback is useful to enhance the training programs and modify the training information. Continuous improvement helps to keep your team up to date and comfortable with the use of short term property rental software.

Integrate the use of gamification 

To make the training process more effective and less monotonous, it is possible to use the elements of gamification. This can include establishing quizzes, challenges, and competitions that allow the employees to complete the training modules and master the skills within the short term property rental software. 


Apart from making learning fun, gamification also encourages the employees to attain higher levels of proficiency. This way they will be motivated to learn and retain the information being taught because they are being rewarded points, badges or any other incentive as a staff member.

Celebrate Milestones and Achievements

Appreciate the accomplishments of your staff during the training process so that they can be motivated to continue working hard. This can be done through small gifts, certificates or even praising in front of the other members during a team meeting. 


Such achievements should be commended to encourage the learners and also remind them of the need to update their knowledge and skills. It also fosters the right culture of appreciation in the organization where employees are encouraged to work harder with the short term property rental software.


It is important that your staff is trained to use the property management systems that you intend to implement in your property management business. With well defined goals, the use of different training techniques and constant encouragement, you can ensure that your team is well prepared to run properties with the help of short term property rental software. 


Seminars and follow-ups guarantee that your employees are acquainted with the new features and techniques, which results in enhanced productivity and guests’ satisfaction. Adopting these training strategies will enable your business to thrive in the property management market and grow for the long term.

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