In our exclusive Q&A, actress Melody Law opens up about her journey from childhood dreams to the vibrant world of Hollywood. With a passion for acting ignited at an early age, she shares how stepping outside her comfort zone has transformed her life and career. From the creative atmosphere of Hollywood to the personal rituals that help her unwind here is our interview.

What inspired you to pursue a career in acting, and who were your biggest influences?

Melody: I have always been passionate in acting and stage performing since I was a child. Throughout the years, living in a limited environment and mindset of getting a university degree and then a stable job/career really deprived me away from this childhood dream. I am grateful that I can live a new life out of my “comfort zone” couples year ago which I believe is one of the best decisions I have made. Since I have more time for myself living in a new environment. I progressively achieving goals I have improving myself in many areas as well as calibre my mindset to be confident enough to pursuit what I have in mind as a child, a teenager who loves to act and perform. Years by years, watching all actors’ emotional and inspiring winning speeches is a drive for me to go forward and pursuit what I really want – to have an acting career.

How would you describe Hollywood from your own experience?

Melody: Hollywood is the biggest and most influential movie making place packed with all worldclass professionals and talents. People are very driven and passionate about what they do here. Everyone loves to have conversation about movies, creative works and dreams. It is inspiring and I can live and breathe about movie making here. I love it.

What’s a book or movie that has had a significant impact on your life?

Melody:  There are quite a lot of books and movies that have been making a strong impact in my life and I am living up to it. As we are talking about movies, I would say “La La Land” was one of the films that gives me so much motivation and joy to make a change in life. As I love dancing and music as well, the opening musical scene and the last montage scene are phenomenal and impactful to me. I have watched the movie so many times through the years. Every time, it gives me the encouragement to make a change and go for another better chapter in life.

They filmed the underwater pool scene in Malibu Crush, at your house—is that true? How did that come about?

Melody: Yes, it is in my apartment complex there was a couple of pools and so they used one for the underwater shots. I was amazed by James’ idea and the creative process smaking movies. You just have to be creative and make it work even after planning everything out.

How do you prepare for a character? Do you have any specific rituals or routines?

Melody: I believe quality preparation is necessarily. I study the script well enough that I feel very confident to be on set and know what the director refers to from scene to scene and the purposes of each scene. I must understand my character through the script so to be the person having her mindset and emotion. For me, it is very important to read the lines repeatedly to become so natural for me when it comes to performance.

Outside of acting, what are your passions or hobbies that you enjoy?

Melody: I have so many hobbies and passions. I enjoy reading self-development books learning myself in a deeper aspect. Creativity wise, I love dancing, jazz music, painting, and interior décor. My feminine side always suggest me to do Pilates, skin care & beauty and fashion which I am passionate about to keep learning and practising. 

What’s your favorite way to relax and unwind after a long day?

Melody: I enjoy pampering myself with some romantic touch so a bubble bath, a scented candle, jazz music, a lavender tea and a book are the elements of my daily ritual after a long day.

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