Introduction: Kacey Fifield, a rising star in the music industry, isn’t just known for her soulful lyrics and powerful voice; she’s also deeply committed to making a difference in the world. Balancing her burgeoning music career with her studies at Columbia University, Kacey is passionate about causes like the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Farm Sanctuary. In this interview, she shares how her dedication to philanthropy influences her songwriting and how she uses her platform to drive awareness for the causes close to her heart.

1. You’ve been very active in supporting causes like the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Farm Sanctuary. How does your involvement in these causes shape your music?
I think everything in my life shapes my music. Philanthropy has been super important to me my whole life – I first started volunteering with a dog rescue when I was 8 and, since then, have loved working with nonprofits that make a difference in causes I care about. So, it’s definitely a big part of who I am and definitely inadvertently influences my songwriting.
2. How do you balance your philanthropic efforts with your career as a musician and student at Columbia University?
Managing my time has certainly been a learning curve! But I make sure to block out segments of time to dedicate to my different passions. Right now, I’m a fellow with New Roots Institute working on legislative advocacy projects.
3. Are there any social or environmental themes that you’ve explored in your music or plan to in the future?
I’ve definitely explored a lot of social themes – many of my songs are meant to empower listeners to separate from toxic people in their lives, move on from difficult situations, and reflect on their own self-growth. My songs are about me, my friends, and experiences I’ve had, so I always hope listeners can relate to my music and feel less alone.
4. How has your work with organizations like New Roots Institute influenced your personal views on sustainability, and does this impact your artistry?
I’ve learned so much about sustainability within the food system and become a lot more conscious of how my dietary choices impact our planet. WIth factory farms contributing largely to climate change, deforestation, and pollution, I’ve cut all animal products out of my diet and live a vegan lifestyle. I also encourage other people to try swapping out one meal a week for a plant-based alternative. I would never want to tell people to completely alter how they eat and live – small, gradual changes make a big difference! 
5. How do you stay grounded and focused on your philanthropic work while managing the demands of your music career?
Like I mentioned before, it’s all about time management! It’s definitely a balancing act, especially since I’m taking a pretty heavy course load this semester, but I love doing work that benefits the world so I always make sure it’s a priority for me.
6. Do you have any upcoming events or collaborations with these causes that fans should know about?
Not right now, but stay tuned on my social media accounts for any announcements in the future!
7. How do your experiences with these causes influence the emotions or messages in your songwriting?
As I mentioned before, I write about my experiences, so everything I’ve been involved in has certainly inspired aspects of my lyrics and music style.
8. In what ways do you see yourself using your platform as an artist to drive awareness for causes you care about?
I love to share the causes I care about on my social media. I always want my listeners to get to know me better as an artist, so sharing aspects of my life definitely includes a lot of posting about the issues I’m involved in.
9. Can you share a moment or project from your charity work that has had a particularly profound impact on you?
A big project of mine was a nonprofit tutoring organization I created during the pandemic that was meant to help minimize the learning gap caused by distance learning. We worked with thousands of kids, recruited over 60 volunteers, and hosted hundreds of sessions! It was so rewarding to see students learning and growing, especially in such a difficult learning environment.
10. Are there any plans to combine your music with your philanthropic efforts in future projects, such as benefit concerts or themed releases?

Not right now, but I would love to in the future!

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