Gambling, otherwise called the game of chance or taking a leap in the dark can be profitable, but some gamblers complain of losing a lot. If you’re in that pack and looking to win more than lose, this article is for you.

What is Gambling Luck?

Otherwise tagged ritual in gambling, it infers both the belief system and consistent practice among gamblers to win more of their bets. These strategies range from something as simple as being kind to other people and a bit complex as aligning your wagers to your astrological sign.

Examples of Gambling Rituals

In this section, we take you through the ritualistic methods of winning big at online gambling. While some of these steps can be simple, others may be over-stretching and have you wondering if they work as postulated. Nevertheless, here goes the list of online gambling ritual examples. If you want to test these rituals with minimal risks, you can try them all in Mr Green Casino. After you register an account there, they double your deposit and give you 100 free spins so you can play with bonus funds for quite a long time.

  • Start by Spreading Kindness

This is in line with the universal law of attracting what we give out. Thus, if you’re kind to other people, the chances that the games you play and wager on might favor you are high.

So, how do you spread kindness as a way of attracting luck in gambling?

  • Help a friend in need, either financially or emotionally.
  • Compliment a friend, colleague, or a close family member.
  • Assist a neighbor with doing some chores or lifting heavy objects.
  • Engage in Morning Rituals

You may not necessarily need a lucky charm if you can engage in morning rituals, which are quite simple to do. Experts believe that a combination of being in the right mood and speaking positively to oneself goes a long way to influencing the outcome of the bets.

  • Make Positive Speeches

Want to be lucky in online gambling? You alone have the power to do that and it lies in your tongue! Speak words of confidence and affirm that you’re among the best gamblers and destined to hit the jackpot soon.

Here are some words of encouragement to say:

  • “I am lucky!”
  • “I shall hit the jackpot today!”
  • “I am the best and I make better decisions when gambling.”

Choose one of the phrases above, say it a few times, then, pick any title at, and find out if the ritual works or not.

3. Engage in the Practice of Visualization and Meditation

Mindful meditation and visualization do things you never imagined to the mind. It’s a good way to keep the goal of winning your games with the lowest risks.

Engage in morning meditation as a way of making a personal retrospect of what you need to do to win, calm your spirit, and have a clear mind to think logically.

For visualization, you should do the following:

  • See yourself winning most of your next games.
  • Visualize the good things of life you can acquire and have access to with the winnings made from games.
  • Make a mental note on how to handle the losses from gambling with grace.
  • Play the “8” and Dodge the “4”

Successful gamblers have identified many patterns for picking winning games. The use of specific numbers is one of such strategies. They suggest you play the number 8 and avoid the number 4. Here’s why:

  • The number eight (8) is attributed to Chinese culture signaling anything from prosperity to wealth. Thus, you should aim to bet on slot machines with the number “8” in its name or any other game with that number. To prove that this works, some players have recorded awesome wins by betting on specific slots, such as the 88 Frenzy Fortune.
  • You shouldn’t bet on the number four (4) because according to Chinese culture, it is linked to misfortune. While some games may include it, you’re better off skipping it.
  • What You Wear Could be a Lucky Charm

Whether you dress casually or flamboyantly, the point is that the choice of attire or outfit may have some impact on the outcome of your gamble.

Let’s start with some perspectives you might relate to. If you’re an athlete and have some winnings tucked under your belt during the playing days, the chances are that the outfits you had back then may bring some luck to the gambling table. The color red has been attributed to good fortunes, too!

Other ways to go about this are:

  • Wear the same outfit many times when betting on games.
  • Some pundits suggest putting on a red cloth. It could be a red shoe, a red tie, or even red socks. Just make sure to have red attire on when you’re visiting a casino.

Final Thoughts

Gambling and winning most of the time is a combination of personal instincts on what to wager on, random happenings, meditation, positive affirmations, and playing when you’re in the best mood. By doing one or more of these, you can be sure to hit a jackpot sooner than expected.

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