About 46% of people from ages two to 19 have cavities. These pesky cavities can cause unbearable tooth pain, but it isn’t always possible to get to a dentist right away. If you have a little one who’s in pain, you likely want to keep a few home remedies for tooth pain in your back pocket.

We’re here to offer a few natural ways you can ease your kids’ toothache while you’re waiting for an appointment with the dentist. Read on for our top kids’ dental pain tips.

Cold Compress

A cold compress or an ice pack wrapped in a cloth can be applied to the affected area to reduce swelling and ease pain in your child’s mouth. This method is especially helpful for toothaches that were caused by injury or swelling, but it can also work for cavities.

You can use anything for this as long as it’s frozen, so if you don’t have ice or an ice pack on hand, wrap a bag of frozen veggies in a dishtowel for your child to hold against their face where it hurts. You can also have your child hold ice in their mouth, but the tooth may be too sensitive to cold.


Cloves have natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes them an effective remedy for toothaches. You can apply a few drops of clove oil to a cotton ball and place it on the painful tooth or gum.

Alternatively, you can use whole cloves and make a paste with water to apply to the painful area. This doesn’t have the best taste, so it may not be an ideal option for small children.

Salt Water Rinse

This is a classic home remedy for tooth pain, and it’s one that dentists will even recommend when you visit them for pediatric dentistry services. A quick rinse will make a huge difference.

Rinsing with warm salt water can help reduce swelling and ease pain. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water and have your child swish the solution around their mouth for 30 seconds before spitting it out.

Make sure your child doesn’t swallow the salt water, or it may upset their stomach. You can repeat this method throughout the day.

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas like peppermint, chamomile, and calendula can help soothe tooth pain and reduce inflammation. Brew up a cup of tea and let it help your child.

You can serve the tea warm and the heat may help your child feel more comfortable. Cold tea can also be helpful if your child isn’t too sensitive. You can also use the teabag as a compress.

Soothe Your Child’s Unbearable Tooth Pain

If your child is struggling with unbearable tooth pain, try these quick at-home remedies while you wait for an appointment with the pediatric dentist. They won’t heal your child, but they’ll help your child stay comfortable in the meantime.

Take your child’s oral care seriously!

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